Let the motif speak
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Let the motif speak
Let the motif speak

There is a certain joy in doing up the interiors of your home. With the numerous approaches there are, and the easy access to information and expert guidance, bringing in something unique is never too much of a task. Through it all, there is the desire to personalise your decor and make it a talking point with all your guests. One way of going about it is to use prints and patterns all through your home.

“A pattern is any element or design feature that you would like to repeat multiple times over a surface, explains Shubhada Ravindra, a City-based independent architect. “Whether it is dots or stripes, or just about anything — a repetition forms a pattern. Such elements may then be used across your decor — on curtains, cushions, rugs, walls, floors etc., in varying combinations”.

Evergreen & trendy designs
Patterns and prints have evolved through the years, and therefore, you can easily find them categorised as being traditional, ethnic, contemporary, linear and the like. When you choose a motif to create a pattern or print out of, it can be representative of any one of these categories. Shubhada finds that there is an increasing penchant among home decorators to use digital prints these days. These prints tend to be abstract in nature and often employ a play of shadows. This gives a room a whole new depth.

A large number of wallpapers these days are of this nature. Then, there are also odes to decor periods that remain evergreen. The Chevron print from the Art Deco period is one such and is used extensively. Though not new, it is back in vogue and is being used in a more stylish manner. Similarly, the floral motifs of the Art Noveau period are also coming back in style. Designers also find that people are increasingly getting bold with the digital print. There is also a huge influence of Asian prints on present day motif and pattern choices.

Sudhakar B Prabhu, a 3D visualiser based in Bengaluru, says that patterns may also be of the kind that have multiple layers to their visual presence. “For example, a pattern of vertical lines on a wall can give the illusion of height and those of horizontal ones give the feeling of depth to a room. Similarly, placing any motif diagonally on a wall helps you create a flow between one element in a room’s decor, to another. This ensures that there is a seamless flow from one element to another”.

So how can you bring these prints and patterns into your home in the right manner? Shubhada explains that the first step is to figure out what you want your space to reflect. “Since you are bringing in these patterns and prints into a space — your home or a room, or an office, you must first decide what you want the space to exude — something traditional, modern, classic or ethnic. Once you know that, you choose a print that best suits that category. Some general prints such as stripes may be used in just about any category, based on the ingenuity of your designer”.

Whether you have a designer at hand or not, you will need to understand the size of your space and adjust the expanse of your pattern accordingly. Placements may be uniform across a surface, or you may choose varying sizes across a room. This, most designers believe, is based on personal preferences. Sudhakar says that there are a few who would like their prints and patterns to make a subtle addition to their decor, while others prefer to let imposing prints do the talking”.

Working on colour palettes
With prints and patterns comes the decision of a colour scheme. While the choice is largely personal, it can sometimes, also be based on external factors, such as the climate. If you personally prefer war colours, then work with a pastel shade of cream or the likes as a base colour. If you prefer cold colours such as blue, the pastel shades in that range will work to your advantage. With this in place, you can then have your pattern distributed across a space the way you like. It could be on your curtains, cushions or you could choose to have the pattern in the form of textured paint on the wall. To bring in an element of pattern on your walls, you could also consider using stencils, which provide you with a range of designs that may be applied in any form you please. In fact, this can be something that makes each room in the house a uniquely themed one.

Prints and patterns in decor are versatile, as they are extensive in choice. Along with your designer, you can use your imagination to bring to life some interesting decor elements in your home.

(Published 22 September 2016, 22:57 IST)