Learning Pharmacy in-depthLife-changing experience
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The 21-year-old suspect is being brought to Mumbai by the Cyber Cell
The 21-year-old suspect is being brought to Mumbai by the Cyber Cell

Why Purdue University? Why America? Why travel thousands of miles from my home in Mumbai? These were the questions I faced when I came to Purdue University in Indiana as a freshman. Studying abroad is a bold decision and can also be a life-changing experience.
I started preparing as soon as I entered high school — getting ready for the Common Application, SATs and ACTs, and even understanding the paperwork for visas. These tasks may sound intimidating all at once but making a timetable helps. In my case, I was lucky to have an academic counsellor who helped me navigate through colleges, majors, and course requirements. The internet and friends studying abroad can be of great help too.

Great potential
I chose to major in Pharmaceutical Sciences at Purdue University — a university I knew would allow me to be highly involved in research. Pharmaceutical Sciences is a combination of organic chemistry, biochemistry and biology with a focus on many different facets of the pharmaceutical industry.

It is a major which is not commonly offered by most universities, and therefore, its full potential is at times not recognised. Don’t let this discourage you, as a student with a degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences is fully equipped to join the pharmaceutical field after the four-year course ends.

In addition, achieving this degree could also be a student’s step into further studies, such as masters in a particular interest acquired during the course or even a master in business administration. A large contribution to preparing for the industry would come from actively participating in a laboratory on campus and seeking summer internships. This is why choosing a research-focused university was one of my top priorities.

Many factors should be considered when choosing the college most suitable for you, especially since it is your home for the coming years. Student population, good weather all year round, quality of tuitions, job placements and faculty members are some of those factors. While reviewing the faculty for Pharmaceutical Sciences at Purdue, I found some very promising names, who had achieved remarkable milestones in their lifetime. The exciting part was the thought that I would be learning from these celebrated figures — a very valuable experience!

After accepting my admission to Purdue in 2015, I felt ready, and was eagerly awaiting opportunities in this ‘land of promises’. However, as I was about to step onto the plane bound to college, I experienced a moment of absolute fear. Would I be able to fit in? Did I have it in me? Would it be worth it? All the research I put in, all the introductory videos I watched, and all the alumni I exchanged emails with didn’t seem to be enough at that moment. That was when my father looked at me with the most comforting smile and said, “You will be fine, son.”

Family’s support, leading to, and during college, is a key element for students. Calling your family members on a weekly basis cannot nearly compensate for the colossal distance but certainly, helps boost your confidence and reignite the fire within.

While time with family reduced, time for interaction with others increased. Being a very shy person, these interactions took me out of my comfort zone. Over the next few months, networking became one of my strengths and a zone of comfort.

Networking is crucial
During my freshman year, I made great connections with professors and academic advisors. This helped me later to gain access to opportunities such as writing for the pharmacy journal and even networking with the heads of the various departments in the college of pharmacy.
Networking is an important skill in college and can take you places you never imagined. Networking at a career fair helped me land an internship for the summer of 2017 with a globally renowned pharmaceutical company!

I also plan to pursue my Master’s in Pharmaceutical Sciences upon graduating from Purdue University. Today, I am a much different person than I was two years ago. I feel much more independent, confident, and ready for whatever lies ahead of me.

(Published 04 May 2017, 00:31 IST)