Practical exposure helps
Ali Khwaja
Last Updated IST
Cheerful female student sitting outdoor and reading book.
Cheerful female student sitting outdoor and reading book.

Dear Sir,

I am studying PUC (Science). I want to become an IAS officer. I am planning to pursue BSc in Agriculture and then take up Civil Services examination. But many people are suggesting that taking up MBBS would be better. Please guide as to which course will be useful.



Dear Sinchana,

It makes no difference  what degree course you study when it comes to competing for the Civil Services exams. People who have pursued BSc Agriculture, MBBS, engineering, and courses in commerce and arts have all succeeded if they have prepared systematically and well in advance.

Once you finish your graduation in a field of your choice (which will ensure that you will be a successful professional regardless of whether you get into IAS or not), do select the optional subjects for Civil Services exam carefully, and get proper guidance from experts.

Dear Sir,

I am a second year BCA student. I would like to know if I could pursue Psychology along with my current course. If so, please let me know which branch of Computer Science is applicable to Psychology too, so that I can specialise in that.

A Student

Dear Student,

Generally most universities do not allow you to study two degree programmes simultaneously. However, you can start off by doing some MOOC courses that are offered by online portals like,, and These courses are either free or nominally charged. You will get a feel of Psychology through such courses, and when you complete your BCA, you can apply for an open university MSc or MA in Applied Psychology course, which are open to graduates from any stream.

Do not worry right now about your specialisation. Get an overview of human behaviour, and if your interest is strong, get practical exposure through internship or entry level job, and then go deeper into a specific branch.

Dear Sir,

I want to study BBA. But my friends and relatives feel that this course doesn't lead to a good job and hence, they are suggesting that I do BCom. Which is a better course? Kindly guide.  


Dear Naveen,

Please consult only experts when you wish to make a career choice, and do not get influenced by friends and relatives who may not have the correct information. Both BBA and BCom have their own advantages, but both do not get you managerial or well-paid jobs in the beginning. They are foundation courses to prepare you for higher studies and a better career.

If you are a finance-related person, good in Maths and Accounts, prefer to work by yourself, can spend many hours on the computer with good concentration, you may opt for BCom, and then take up other courses which will enhance your employability. If you are a people-oriented person, love to interact, travel and speak, have a wide range of interests from marketing to HR to finance to systems, then you can take up BBA, and after two years of study decide what aspect of management you would like to specialise in.

Dear Sir,

I am a BCom student. I always had a fixed aim in my life so far. But now when I am studying in the final year, I am a bit confused about the specialisation to choose for my postgraduation. Presently, I am interested in accounts. Can you suggest a few accounting courses that I can take up?

A Student

Dear Student,

If your interest is in accounts and you are a good student with firm concentration and ability to work with numbers, then you can take up Chartered Accountancy (, Cost and Works Accountancy (, ACCA (, Company Secretary ( or any such course which will make you a professional and will give you good career prospects. If unable to decide at all, then take a break after your degree and take up an entry-level job in a small or medium enterprise, regardless of how much they pay, and once you get exposure to the world of work, you will be able to decide better.

Dear Sir,

I am a Class 11 Science student with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Computer Science as my subjects. I am interested in taking up a course related to Computer Science after Class 12. Please suggest some good courses and colleges. Also, please suggest some good colleges where I can do a course to be a data scientist.

A Student

Dear Student,

Computers is a vast field, and if you know which aspect you are deeply interested in, then you can take up a specialised course like programming, robotics and design.

If not, then the safest option would be to complete an engineering degree in Computer Science and then decide on the specialisation. The college will depend on your performance in entrance tests such as JEE and CET.

Data Sciences is generally offered as a postgraduate course, though a few universities such as VIT Vellore have started offering it at degree level. It is better that you first qualify as an engineer and then go deeper into any subject of your choice.

Dear Sir,

I am currently studying BSc Microbiology. I had chosen this stream to become a scientist. But now I am not able to concentrate while studying and I feel the curriculum is really vast. I have lost interest in the subject that I have chosen. So, now I am planning to discontinue and pursue some other degree. I think that I can become an artist or a writer as I have been interested in these fields since my childhood. Please guide me if it is a right decision because my parents are not allowing me to discontinue.

A Student

Dear Student,

Before you convince your parents, it is necessary that you be sure that you will not be making the same mistake twice. It is not enough to have an interest in a field, you should also have the competency that will ensure you will do well in your career.

Art and writing are two very diverse fields, and both require immense talent to succeed. Hence, you need to get yourself evaluated by experts in the respective fields about your capabilities, or even
get an assessment done to find out your aptitude in different careers, which will give you a wider choice to select from.

(Published 20 December 2017, 17:48 IST)