Studying in India
Ali Khwaja
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Studying in India
Studying in India

Dear Sir,
I have done my masters in journalism and have been working for a news channel for close to two years now. I am interested in learning a foreign language. From what I found in my research, German and Japanese languages have better job opportunities. I wish to learn one of these languages and get a job based on the language. Could you please tell me which language has better employability? Also, can you tell me what kind of salaries do these companies offer?
Sumanth Kashyap

Dear Sumanth,
It is nice to see that you wish to expand your horizons and pick up new skills. As a media person, you will definitely benefit by learning a new language. The language selection should depend on two factors: your comfort level with that language, which you can determine by talking to experts, attending a sample class and getting a feel of it, and how you wish to use the language skill. After learning German or Japanese, you have many options such as being a correspondent in that language, being a translator, doing documentation work for an MNC, preparing manuals for IT companies, migrating to that country to work there, teaching the language, etc. What you select should be based on your personality traits, the lifestyle you prefer, where you are likely to reside, and your aptitude. Based on that, you can select from either of the languages since both of them have good employment opportunities.

Dear Sir,
I am in my first year of Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) course. Initially, I had hoped to get into MBBS, but couldn’t get a seat. Since I wasn’t interested in BDS (dental), I took up BHMS as I found it to be very similar to MBBS. But now I am being told that this course doesn’t have any scope in the future as there are no opportunities to study further and it isn’t even considered as a degree in many countries. I feel discouraged. Kindly help me clear this confusion and let me know about the PG courses that I could take up after this degree.
A student

Dear Student,
I strongly recommend students to take up an alternate system of medicine only if they believe in it, have experienced it and find it beneficial. Doing homeopathy because you did not get into MBBS is not very wise. Since you are now into it, please meet other homeopaths and find out how they are doing, how fulfilling and effective their treatment is, etc. Look around and you will see some homeopaths doing exceedingly well in their practice. MD courses in homeopathy are available in India and a few other countries. BHMS by correspondence is banned by the authorities and a person cannot practice as a physician through correspondence courses.
The other option is for you to complete your BHMS and look for allied fields such as hospital administration, clinical research, medical transcription, health and lifestyle management, nutrition, medical records or neurosciences. But if you are completely disillusioned with the system of homeopathy, then it may be better to lose a year and move into something you have a passion for and will be motivated to study better.

Dear Sir,
I am currently in the first year of BSc in environmental education. But many tell me that it is a wrong choice as it has no scope. I am interested in ecology and I want to do my MSc in the same. Would it be a wise thing to do? If yes, suggest the best college and the eligibility criteria for the same.
A student

Dear Student,
Unfortunately, many elders continue to live in the past and talk about ‘scope’ based on earlier or present conditions. For a person like you who will be starting his career a few years from now, and working for the next 40-50 years in your chosen field, you need to have a vision to look ahead and not at the past. Change is coming in very rapidly. Ecology and environment will acquire great significance in the years to come and will offer very meaningful and satisfying career opportunities to those who are passionate about doing something for their surroundings.

What you will need is to ensure that you get into a reputed all-India level institution for your post-graduation, after which you will enjoy a fulfilling career. Some of them are Nalanda University (, Wildlife Ins of India, Dehradun,, JUNU (, Indian Institute of Ecology & Environment (, Salim Ali School of Ecology & Environment, Pondicherry, Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal (, etc.

Dr Ali Khwaja is the founder and chairman of Banjara Academy. Send in your queries to Education, Deccan Herald, 75, MG Road, Bengaluru-560001 or e-mail us at

(Published 09 March 2016, 22:17 IST)