Lok Sabaha Elections 2024: J&K first-time voters brim with excitement, optimistic for better futureFor many young souls, who are about to cast their votes for the first time, it is the dawn of democracy. But unlike previous times, the fervor is not merely for the political spectacle, but for the promise of change.
Zulfikar Majid
Last Updated IST
<div class="paragraphs"><p>As they look towards the future, they know that their journey is far from over, but with determination and unity, they are ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.</p></div>

As they look towards the future, they know that their journey is far from over, but with determination and unity, they are ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Credit DH File Photo

Srinagar: As the Lok Sabha elections have just begun, first-time voters in Jammu and Kashmir are brimming with excitement and optimism for a better future.


For many young souls, who are about to cast their votes for the first time, it is the dawn of democracy. But unlike previous times, the fervor is not merely for the political spectacle, but for the promise of change.

According to official figures out of 86.9 lakh electorate, there are 3.4 lakh first-time voters eligible to vote in the upcoming Parliamentary elections in Jammu and Kashmir.

These new voters are clear about their vision for the country’s and J&K’s future and say they prefer politicians to focus on real issues like high inflation, unemployment, infrastructure development and environmental conservation instead of distracting voters with emotional slogans.

Among the first-time voters is Zara, a bright-eyed college student, eager to make her mark on the electoral process. For her and many others like her, this is a chance to shape the future of their beloved homeland.

“The pressing issues are unemployment, lack of infrastructure, and the ever-present specter of violence. I hope my vote could contribute to the resolution of these issues,” she told DH.

“I would be experiencing something new, but I also had a responsibility to choose the best candidate. During election season, leaders entice voters with false promises, but they seldom pay attention to voter complaints after the election. I want to support the candidate who is approachable and sympathetic to our situation,” she added.

Bilal Ahmad, a passionate advocate for environmental conservation, preparing to vote for the first time says he has seen firsthand the devastating effects of climate change on the region and was determined to elect leaders who would prioritize sustainability and conservation efforts.

“Rapid migration of people from rural to urban areas owing to lack of employment opportunities, education and poor health care facilities are other major issues. I myself relocated to Srinagar city to pursue my higher education because of inadequate facilities. I will vote for a candidate who I believe can best relate to our circumstances,” he said.

For Zara, Bilal, and countless others, this election marks the beginning of a new era—one where the voices of the youth were finally being heard, and where leaders were held accountable for their promises.

As they look towards the future, they know that their journey is far from over, but with determination and unity, they are ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

(Published 21 April 2024, 12:32 IST)