'Builders are partners in country's development'
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Vice president M Venkaiah Naidu looks at an exhibit atthe All India Builders' Convention on Friday. GovernorVajubhai Vala looks on. DH PHOTO
Vice president M Venkaiah Naidu looks at an exhibit atthe All India Builders' Convention on Friday. GovernorVajubhai Vala looks on. DH PHOTO

"It is shameful that the government's work is still slow," said vice president M Venkaiah Naidu.

Inaugurating the 28th All India Builders' Convention organised by the Builders' Association of India (BAI),on Friday, Naidu said: "I am happy the BAI holds a convention at this level every year with an effort to
consistently upgrade the technological know-how,knowledge and skills.

"Builders are partners in the development of the country and the government of India will ensure that the best working atmosphere is available by simplifying complexities in the system and mobilising reforms," the minister added.

Governor of Karnataka Vajubhai Vala released the Convention Souveniron the


Vala expressed the need for a flagship institute of learning. The core focus of such institution should be to prepare skilled workers at all levels in the sector.

"I urge the BAI to take up this initiative and form the institution which will be
funded by the government."

(Published 20 January 2018, 00:44 IST)