Govt gets HC notice on fire safety in highrises
Last Updated IST

The High Court on Monday ordered issuance of notices to the State government on a petition seeking directions from the court to inspect all highrises in Bangalore for fire safety as mandated in the notification on July 7, 2011.

The Division Bench, comprising Justice K L Manjunath and Justice H S Kempanna, ordered notices.

The petitioners, Beyond Carlton, a trust formed by the family members of victims of Carlton Towers tragedy where nine persons died and 70 were injured, have sought implementation of fire safety measures in highrises.

They have contended that despite the notification mandated to inspect each and every highrise within the period of nine months, i.e. from July 7, 2011 to April 7, 2012 in Karnataka, there has been no action taken by the government.

(Published 22 October 2013, 00:43 IST)