'It is very exciting to be a part of the festival'
Tini Sara Anien
Last Updated IST
Pawan Kumar
Pawan Kumar

Film director, actor, producer and screenwriter Pawan Kumar has his hands full with projects.
Known for 'Lifeu Ishtene' and 'Lucia', he is always looking out for fresh  subjects to work on.

Having been associated with the film industry, he is excited about reviving his theatrical side by staging 'The Woman in Me' as a part of the 'Deccan Herald Theatre Festival' which is curated by Sandbox Collective. The play will be staged on December 9, 7 pm at MLR Convention Centre.  

In an interview with Tini Sara Anien, he sheds light on the theatre festival and more.


How  different is the experience of being associated with the Deccan Herald Theatre Festival'?

I had taken a break from theatre for almost a decade now. It is very exciting to be invited to be a part of the festival. Though I have some films lined up immediately, I jumped at the opportunity. We have revived 'The Woman in Me', which we did 10 years ago. Thanks to the festival, we found an new team to work with.  

Tell us about 'The Woman in Me'.

'The Woman in Me' was written when I was 25 and now when I read the play, I keep wondering about what had happened to me to have written it in the first place. It is a very disturbing play that questions about what a man thinks in his head and does outside, which is questioned by the women component in him. The man always thinks that he is justified in what he thinks and does but as soon as his own opposite side comes out and questions him, it changes what he thinks about himself.  

How different is it to stage the play now?

As a playwright and director, it has been a great experience. Everything about what a woman does or wears is questioned now and this play  brings out those questions. I thought this was the right time to bring the play back. What is strange and tragic is that whatever I was trying to say 10 years ago are the same issues we are addressing now. In fact, the situation is worse.  

(Tickets are available at

(Published 23 November 2017, 18:20 IST)