No dull moment at all!
Last Updated IST
BFlat, in association withThe Comedy Store, recently presented 'Pant On Fire 2.0', a unique comedy show by Mumbai-based comedian Sorabh Pant.
BFlat, in association withThe Comedy Store, recently presented 'Pant On Fire 2.0', a unique comedy show by Mumbai-based comedian Sorabh Pant.
BFlat, in association withThe Comedy Store, recently presented ‘Pant On Fire 2.0’, a unique comedy show by Mumbai-based comedian Sorabh Pant.

The opening act and host for the gig was Bangalore-based comedian Kanan Gill, who created a light atmosphere in the packed venue before the headlining act. 

In his own set, Kanan joked about everything under the sun and kept interacting with the audience, who responded well to his rants. 

Not only did he keep the crowd awake with his jokes but also added an interesting musical dimension to the performance with some hilarious original compositions like ‘I Sweat That I’m Not Gay’ and ‘I’m In Love With A Ghost’.

“It was a slightly older demographic but I had plenty of fun. The jokes were very well-received. Plus, it was great to watch Sorabh. I’m a big fan of his and it’s always fun to watch him because he himself enjoys on stage. Even the really bad jokes he cracked were hilarious!” said Kanan after the show.

Sorabh Pant never allowed a dull moment in his set — from cribbing about the past to speculating about the future; from making fun of current trends to logging onto Twitter and stalking people like Arvind Kejriwal and Salman Khan to psychoanalyse them as people, he was a laugh riot on stage. 

Halfway through the performance, he even put on a wig and looked amusing as he projected himself as a character named Sorabh Pun, who left the audience In absolute splits. There was no denying that the show was a hit as chuckles and laughter filled up the venue. 

Some in the audience were local comedians who had come to show their support though a lot of youngsters and families were also seen. 
“I’ve watched international stand-up comedy all my life and it’s good to see that in 
India, the comics don’t have to rely on slapstick to be funny. I’ve seen Kanan a few times and was watching Sorabh Pant for the first time and Sorabh’s caricature and voice worked,” 

Manek, an audience member. He added, “But the contexts of some of his jokes were too North Indian for me and some others.”

Rajiv, another audience member, added, “Sorabh was merciless when it came to his jokes and yet it was clean humour.

Both of them were awesome and it was good seeing Sorabh after so long.”

(Published 24 April 2014, 19:29 IST)