On my pinboard - Vineeth VincentBeatboxer and entrepreneur
Anila Kurian
Last Updated IST
Vineeth Vincent
Vineeth Vincent

Bengaluru-based Vineeth Vincent wears many hats — that of a beatboxer, musician, emcee, voice artiste and an entrepreneur. He started his career as an emcee in 2007 but took a year off from his studies at Christ University in 2008. It was then that he started giving more importance to music and beatboxing.

He performed with ‘The Boxettes’ and Austrian beatboxing group called ‘Bauchklang’. In 2011, in an event titled ‘Can You Say Beat Box?’, he created the largest human beatbox ensemble and entered the ‘Limca Book of Records’.

    Today, he runs a music studio called ‘Musicial Cubicle’, ‘Side Step’, an artiste management firm, and ‘Meditating Monkey’, a backpacking hostel. His latest collaboration is with ‘Saxbox’ where he will be working with saxophonist and beatboxers.

Saravana Dhanapal

“This humble man, who started ‘Agnii — Art For All’, is a big inspiration for me. He takes in kids from the street and teaches them dance, music and art. He travels the world with them and gives them a platform to perform. His mother was a banana seller in JP Nagar and she brought him up. He studied in a government school and won a scholarship to study Social Work.  He has dealt with life the hard way; if he is not an inspiration, I don’t know who is.”

‘Cinderella Man’

“It’s been a long time since I watched movies. But my all-time favourite movie is 
‘Cinderella Man’.

    It’s a movie about a former boxer, played by Russell Crowe, who lives an ordinary life in the US. I love the movie because it shows the concept of how to be a gentleman.
   The reality it portrays is brilliant. Russell Crowe essayed the character very well.”

New Delhi

“I recently learnt the difference between transit and travel. So whenever I am in transit, I try to stay longer and explore the place. I travel extensively for work — a minimum of three to four cities a month. I find the vibe of New Delhi very interesting. I used to be there quite often while in transit and never liked it. But once I took notice of the people there, it changed my perspective of the city. I love trying out the food there and about their lifestyle.”

Sunil Chandy

“Bands like ‘Galeej Gurus’, ‘Thermal and a Quarter’ and ‘Parikrama’ made a stage for Bengalureans to enjoy live music and gigs. But on a personal level, Sunil Chandy is the musician I look up to. His music is amazing and he is a down-to-earth person as well. I have also had the opportunity to work closely with him.”

Rice and dal

“My comfort food is my mom’s rice, ‘dal’ and mixture. I don’t live with my mom, so
whenever I visit her, she prepares it for me. I am a huge fan of Indian food in
general. There are so many varieties to enjoy! Since I also love ‘biryani’, I am always on the lookout for a new variety. I can’t do without the ‘Hot Chocolate’ from ‘Mustard Cafe’. I think I have it so often that the owners might be thinking of naming it after me!”

The Harry Potter series

“It’s not too often that I pick up a book and read but the ‘Harry Potter’ series is my all-time favourite.

  I love how JK Rowling has portrayed the characters. Dobby is my favourite, though.
    He was a humble elf who was exploited by his master. But he made a decision to go against the master and was brave about it.”


(Published 15 March 2017, 21:02 IST)