Farmers demand support price for coconut, arecaRaitha Sangha ask for regulation to maintain consistency of price
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The government should come to the rescue of farmers by providing support price for areca and coconut, as the prices of the crops have fallen, urged Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha Hasiru Sene.

Submitting a memorandum at the deputy commissioner’s office in Chikkamagaluru on Monday, the members of the Sangha said that the central government has not submitted a the scientific report to the court that areca is not injurious to health. They demanded a regulation to maintain consistency in areca prices and said that research should be carried out on the diseases affecting the crop.

Natural disasters

“The coconut, areca and coffee growers have incurred great loss due to drought, floods and other natural disasters. Also, the problems of poor quality fertilisers and transplantation seeds, fall in prices, torture by middlemen and loans have been haunting farmers. Both the central and the state governments must seek reports from the horticultural and agricultural departments to rush to the rescue of the growers,” the Raitha Sangha member demanded.

“Coconut trees have also been affected by diseases, causing a great loss to the growers and, hence, the government must initiate research towards finding a solution to the problem and providing compensation to the formers,” the members said and demanded a compensation of Rs 35,000 for each dried up coconut tree.

Speaking further on the matter, the farmers said, “A coconut and areca board must be formed. The import of areca from Indonesia and Malaysia must be stopped. A support price of Rs 30 to Rs 40 must be provided to a coconut. A support price of Rs 20,000 should be fixed for per quintal of copra.”

They said that the central government itself must provide the premium towards Phasal Bima Yojana. “The loans availed by areca, coconut, corn, potato and tomato growers must be waived off completely. Irrigation schemes must be implemented immediately. Coconut growers must be protected by implementing Neera policy in the model of Kerala. Chance should be provided for the sale of tender coconuts at all bus stops,” the members said.

Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha Hasiru Sene Kadur taluk unit president M Niranjanamurthy, taluk unit president M R Manjegowda and secretary Rajappa were present among others.

(Published 28 June 2016, 00:27 IST)