No illegal mining in State, claims YeddyurappaHe is unaware of the survey in Andhra Pradesh
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“There are no specific allegations on illegal mining in the State. The issue was discussed in the last Assembly Session as well,” he said while speaking to mediapersons at Jindal airport here on Saturday.

The chief minister said the State government had taken measures as per the recommendations made by the Lokayukta with regards to illegal mining. The Lokayukta had stated that illegal mining was taking place at 58 places in the State. Action had been initiated against them, he said.

He said Karnataka was the first State in the country to initiate action against illegal mining. This measure was taken in order to increase the value of ore and also to benefit the State through legal mining, he added.

He said he was not aware of the survey work being undertaken by the team of officials of the Survey of India in Andhra Pradesh, as per the directions of the Supreme Court. He came to know about the survey only through media, he said.

Milk price hike 

When asked about the decision to hike KMF milk prices, Yeddyurappa said the matter had been discussed in the Assembly also. After discussing with the KMF president, a decision will be taken in this regard within 15 days. The Government wants to ensure that the interest of the farmers is safeguarded.

Power problem

The BJP government was not solely responsible for the power problem prevailing in the State. It was setting right the problems created by the previous governments. The Government was doing its best to tide down the crisis within the given framework. It has decided to purchase 1,000 MW power to ease the situation, Yeddyurappa added.


He said, former prime minister H D Deve Gowda was creating unnecessary confusions with regards to NICE. He said, he will be discussing with former chief ministers S M Krishna, Dharam Singh and H D Kumaraswamy in the first week of March, with regard to NICE, Yeddyurappa added.

BBMP elections

The chief minister expressed confidence that the BJP will get a clear majority in the BBMP elections.

(Published 27 March 2010, 22:30 IST)