Mumbai metro to run 150 km
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The Maharashtra government on Monday signed an MoU with “Transport for London (TfL)” for developing a 150-km metro network here.

The agreement was signed during the meeting of a delegation of CEOs from the UK, led by Prime Minister David Cameron, with Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan.

The MoU, signed by MMRDA Commissioner Rahul Asthana and Director, Capital Programmes for TfL, David Waboso, will facilitate exchange of information and personnel for transfer of latest technologies in the area of infrastructure.

Talking about London’s transport system, Waboso said TfL operates buses, trams, light rail, heavy rail, taxis, river boats, streets and congestion charge in the greater London area, along with managing the London Underground Metro.

Chavan said the UK business community’s participation in mega infrastructure initiatives in Maharashtra, particularly in the Mumbai metropolitan region, “will encourage us to plan more such ventures for the city’s development.”

“For turning the city into a world-class metropolis, at least $40 billion investment was needed for transport and civic infrastructure,” Chavan said.

The visiting team also watched a film “Magnetic Maharashtra” which evoked a positive response from the visitors, officials said.

(Published 19 February 2013, 01:21 IST)