Secrets to healthy ageing
Last Updated IST
Age is but a number, and 60 is an important turning point, when most are coming to terms with significant changes in life. To begin with, you are retiring from a long haul on the job, and getting accustomed to being a senior citizen.
Age is but a number, and 60 is an important turning point, when most are coming to terms with significant changes in life. To begin with, you are retiring from a long haul on the job, and getting accustomed to being a senior citizen.
Age is but a number, and 60 is an important turning point, when most are coming to terms with significant changes in life. To begin with, you are retiring from a long haul on the job, and getting accustomed to being a senior citizen. Feeling a bit low? Don’t worry! Since the days of living a hectic schedule filled with — traffic, long work hours, and eating unhealthy meals, are finally behind you, you can now finally live at your own pace. Accept the age and embrace the changes that it brings along.

Here are tips to enjoy a healthy lifestyle in your 60s:
Time to stretch: With no hurry to reach office, make sure you don’t get into the habit of sleeping in late. In general, keep moving! Thirty minutes of moderate intensity activity for at least five days a week is good. So, enrol at a gym and take your spouse or a friend along for motivation and consistency.

Health check-ups: It is a good time to use the health insurance you paid premiums for all through your working life. Don’t shy away from spending on critical health check-ups. At 60, men should make it a point to get screened for prostrate/ colorectal cancer and women for breast and cervical. Reduce intake of sweets, salt, fats and oils and red meat without becoming obsessive about it.

Mental peace: Harbouring a healthy attitude is important for holistic well-being, so meditate or engage yourself in an activity of your choice. Experts suggest that taking up small activities to keep mental ailments such as dementia and Alzheimer’s at bay. Reading, writing, solving crossword puzzles and Su-Do-Ku will keep the brain active.

Relationships: A positive attitude and the ability to cope with things that happen in daily life can counter negativity. Happy long-term relationships such as those with a well-adjusted spouse, partner or close friend help in ageing gracefully.

Break bad habits: This is an opportune time to finally kick the butt and give up the habit of opting for that extra scotch at a party. Ageing brings its own set of health problems, related to the heart, why indulge in bad habits, which could aggravate these? Consult your doctor on how you should go about quitting, and seek help from your peers or spouse for motivation.

Hobbies: A good level of social and community involvement can be beneficial. Singing, painting, learning a musical instrument, acting, photography, and even dancing; the list of hobbies is endless. Take up a hobby that you always wanted to, but couldn’t due to personal and professional commitments. With most of the obligations fulfilled, you are a free bird, who needs some meaningful engagement.

Bucket list: You have worked hard all your life to achieve financial stability. Having fulfilled most of your financial obligations, it’s now time to spend some of the money on your bucket list. Travel to your dream destination, change your wardrobe, read books, watch movies and buy that special something you always craved to own.

Be tech-savvy: Technology makes the world go around. Perhaps taking help from your grandchildren could help you get acclimatised with the latest in the digital world. Be familiar with tech-enabled services and make it a habit to download financial apps, especially e-wallets as these will help in everyday transactions.

(The author is lead — Geriatrics, Tata Trusts)
(Published 20 October 2017, 22:16 IST)