Identity challenge
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"Single identity proof is a necessity"
"Single identity proof is a necessity"

 Though citizen identity cards have in the past been identified with authoritarian systems, there is realisation now that the complexities and challenges of the modern world necessitate them. But  putting in place an ID card system is a Herculean task. Even some developed countries have dropped the project after launching it because of the logistical problems it poses. But the need to make the project a success is greater in countries like India where large diversities exist and and citizen documentation is poor. 

The choice of Nandan Nilekani, who is known not only for his technological and managerial expertise but for his social awareness and commitment, shows the government’s seriousness about the project. It is similar to the brief of Sam Pitroda who contributed greatly to the country’s telecom revolution in the last few decades. The advantages of the project are self-evident. The system has an important role in addressing national security challenges posed by terrorism and in dealing with the problem of illegal migration. Many of the social security and welfare schemes undertaken by the government can be implemented more effectively if the targeted beneficiaries  are well identified. It can reduce corruption and inefficiency in the delivery of the schemes and save costs. It is also a great advantage to have a single identity proof in place of the multiplicity of proofs like passports, ration cards and PAN cards.

But the technical and management problems are daunting in making the project a success in the country with a over a billion population. It may not be realistic to expect that it will be completed by 2011. In fact the 2011 census will serve as the data base and the project can really take off only after that. It should also be remembered that it is not a project that gets completed by a deadline but is a continuous process that will need constant updating. The official support machinery is not the most efficient and there are many levels of authorities from the Central to the ward level which are to be involved in the effort. Nilekani will have to draw upon all the resources of his skill and expertise to make the project a success.

(Published 29 June 2009, 22:00 IST)