South United post easy win
Last Updated IST

A brace from Subash (72nd, 75th) helped South United to a resounding 3-0 victory over CIL in their BDFA Super Division encounter here at the Bangalore Football Stadium on Saturday.

After a goalless first-half which South United dominated, they finally took the lead in the 53rd minute when Senthil ran through the CIL defence to slot home.

CIL almost made South United pay for their profligacy when Prakash went close. But two goals in three minutes from Subash calmed their nerves.

Result: ‘A’ Division: Postal Department: 3 (Schlenmang 8th, 68th, Venkatesh 56th) bt Bangalore Kickers: 0.

(Published 31 May 2014, 22:30 IST)