
Muggers stab Gujarati nursing student for Rs 750

Last Updated : 10 December 2020, 21:24 IST
Last Updated : 10 December 2020, 21:24 IST
Last Updated : 10 December 2020, 21:24 IST
Last Updated : 10 December 2020, 21:24 IST

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Three muggers stabbed a 23-year-old student in Yelahanka New Town and robbed him of Rs 750.

In a complaint filed with the Yelahanka New Town police, the student, Parghi Heren Lal from Gujarat, stated that he arrived in the city with his friend to write an exam for a nursing course. The duo stayed at a lodge in Yelahanka New Town and went out to have food at 12 am. As they were on their way back to the lodge at 12.30 am, three men who came on a bike intercepted them and asked them to part with the cash they had.

Lal refused and the gang began assaulting him. His friend managed to flee the scene. The muggers stabbed Lal on the chest with a knife and took away Rs 750 from his pocket. Lal was rushed to a nearby hospital by his friend with the help of commuters.

A case has been registered against the muggers under IPC Section 397 (robbery with attempt to cause death or grievous hurt).

He missed the exam

Lal is out of danger but was unable to write the exam, police said.

Published 10 December 2020, 21:24 IST

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