
II PU evaluators unhappy over delay in allowance

Last Updated : 25 April 2019, 18:24 IST
Last Updated : 25 April 2019, 18:24 IST
Last Updated : 25 April 2019, 18:24 IST
Last Updated : 25 April 2019, 18:24 IST

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Lecturers, who took up evaluation of II PU answer scripts, have expressed their displeasure over the undue delay by the government in paying their allowance.

As per the revised norms, the allowance would be deposited into the accounts of the lecturers.

"Earlier, the II PU evaluators used to get their allowances in cheques at the end of the day. It's been 10 days since the II PU results were announced, but the lecturers have not received their due," a lecturer, on the condition of anonymity told DH.

"The department had taken details of bank account for making payment online. But the lecturers have not received their allowance so far. The officials concerned give lame excuses for the delay," he rued.

"Last year, the then Education Minister Tanveer Sait had announced 10% hike in allowance for evaluators of II PU answer scripts, on yearly basis. Accordingly, it was increased to Rs 30 last year. Hence, in accordance with the decision taken last year, the lecturers are demanding an allowance of Rs 33 per three hours, this year," he said.

"Also, this year, the lecturers were burdened with the additional task of uploading the marks into the server. Hence, the government should hike the lecturers' allowance by 30%," demanded Thimmaiah Purle, president, Karnataka State PU College Lecturers Association.

Published 25 April 2019, 18:04 IST

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