
Zero Shadow Day observed in Udupi amid coronavirus lockdown

Last Updated : 25 April 2020, 21:39 IST
Last Updated : 25 April 2020, 21:39 IST

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Students across Udupi district observed and demonstrated ‘Zero Shadow Day’ on Saturday.

Shubhashree Shenoy, a first-year student of B Sc in Poornaprajna College, went one step ahead by combing her demonstration with a social message on coronavirus pandemic.

As it is observed that shadows go to a minimum, Shubhashree arranged stacked stencils in a manner that the sunlight passed through them only when it is shining exactly from zenith which happens only on Zero Shadow Day.

Atul Bhat, Coordinator of Poornaprajna Amateur Astronomers’ Club, Poornaprajna College, said that student's innovative idea in combining science and Covid-19 is praiseworthy.

Zero Shadow Day, an astronomical phenomenon, occurred at Mangaluru and surrounding areas on April 24 and at Udupi and surrounding areas on Saturday. At this moment, shadows of objects on the ground disappear completely. This happens because the sun at this time shines exactly above our heads on these days. In astronomy, this point is called as the Zenith.

Published 25 April 2020, 16:02 IST

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