
Taken on a telly ride

Last Updated : 13 December 2022, 20:28 IST
Last Updated : 13 December 2022, 20:28 IST

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The story begins when I decide not to be part of the “throw-away economy.” Our TV was giving us problems, and the manufacturer said that replacement parts are not available for old televisions. My friends advised me that it was time to dump the old set and buy a new one. Nobody believes that old is gold anymore.

However, I wanted to do my part to help Mother Earth by not contributing to the growing e-waste problem. I googled for TV technicians in the city. I came across an impressive website and was carried away by the presentation. Promptly I called the contact number, and before I could say Jack Robinson, the technician landed at my doorstep.

The technician appeared smart, seemed to know his onions, and spoke flawless English. He assured us that the TV can be repaired, and he will give a warranty for the replaced part. He went on to add that the manufacturers like to promote new products. Hence, they do not make spare parts or undertake repairs. After three days, he returned the TV, took the money, and assured us that he would email the warranty. Within an hour of the technician leaving the premises, we noticed that the TV was having the same problem.

To cut a long story short, neither the owner nor the technician responded to any calls, and the warranty was never sent. When we called from a different number, it would be picked up and some lame excuse would be given. It gradually dawned on us that we had been taken for a royal ride and that we would have to kiss the money goodbye.

The following day, I was still regretting my stupidity and nursing my wounds when the doorbell rang. When I opened the door, a young man was standing outside. He informed me that his father, our milkman, had died the previous morning after delivering the milk. He had come to return the advance that his father had collected from the customers. He spoke in a vernacular language. I was dumbfounded by his honesty. But it somewhat restored my faith in humanity.

I recalled the saying that “clothes do not make a man.” I would modify it by stating that speaking flawless English does not make a man. We often get carried away by a person’s appearance. I learned a valuable lesson: honesty, education, and appearance do not necessarily go hand in hand.

Published 13 December 2022, 17:12 IST

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