
The presence and the seer

Last Updated : 29 December 2021, 19:15 IST
Last Updated : 29 December 2021, 19:15 IST

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Suppose, just now, sitting next to you, I tell you that I do exist as a spec of evidence of the existence. And, you corroborate it as truth and reality. And, when I change my instance and tell you that I am only appearing to be there, in reality, I don’t exist; that’s the truth and reality and, I reason with you that existence means ‘existing forever’ and, in that sense, I and you both are not going to be here forever in the form we appear to be here and now before one another.

And, you still nod in agreement with me. Finally, when I again change my stance and say, both the aforesaid scenarios are true and real in the same instant, then also your stance of agreeing with me stays unchanged. In this transaction, have you also not become the evidence of existence and in-existence both, simultaneously? That’s the presence.

Presence is the pure intelligence that is the same in you and me. This is the first impersonal level of universal consciousness. If “we” are disciplined to such an extent that we stay indifferent towards biases or false ego then we would find ourselves in gleeful agreement over everything. That’s the field of acceptance. For ‘they’ or ‘you’ transcends into “we” in that ‘level of consciousness’ /field. This is the stage of transformation into the presence.

When this becomes your normal stage of being then know for sure that you have transformed into a normal being. You may ask, what is the evidence that presence exists? Or, that the existence is present?

The answer is simple but grasping the answer may not be appearing too simple to you. Even, evidence has to be first ‘present’ to qualify as the evidence.

So the first necessity of evidence (or anything for that matter) is to be present, then only it can claim its existence or specific existence; to be precise. Neither appearance nor disappearance is possible without presence. Neither form nor formlessness is possible without presence. Neither existence nor in-existence is possible without presence. Presence alone is real. Reality is termed real because of its eternal presence. This has eternally been indicated as the eternal seer in each one of us albeit in our transcended state. Eternity is the all-pervasive presence.

Published 29 December 2021, 18:30 IST

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