
Apollo Hospitals to use Google's AI screening tech for early detection of TB, cancer

Apollo Radiology International will use Google AI-powered models to offer three million free screenings for TB, lung cancer, and breast cancer — to needy people get timely access to life-saving medical care in India.
Last Updated : 20 March 2024, 13:35 IST
Last Updated : 20 March 2024, 13:35 IST

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Every year several lakhs of people are diagnosed with Tuberculosis (TB).

Though it can be detected with chest X-ray scanning and is easily curable with affordable medicine, there is a dearth of specialised professional radiologists and medical equipment.

This issue is more serious in rural regions as they lack even basic health care centres. Due to such impediments, around three lakh people died of TB in 2023 in India.

Even cancer patients face such issues. Last year, around two lakh cancer cases were detected and lung cancer was the leading cause of death in India.

Radiologists with good experience have keen eyes to identify these incidental nodules that have the potential to turn into malignant tumours. But, very few experienced professionals and equipment are available in the country. This may reduce the chances of early detection of cancers among patients.

Now, Apollo Hospitals has announced leveraging Google's breakthrough Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered scanning technology for early detection of Tuberculosis (TB) and cancer.

The new AI system is capable of interpreting chest X-ray scans with more parameters to detect early signs of TB and cancer.

Apollo Radiology International will use Google AI-powered models to offer three million free screenings for TB, lung cancer, and breast cancer — to needy people, and get timely access to life-saving medical care in India.

In a related development, search engine giant's philanthropy arm Google.org is also working with the NGO ARMMAN (meaning 'wish' in Hindi) to reduce maternal and child mortality and morbidity in India.

[Full form of ARMMAN: Advancing Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity of Mothers, Children and Neonates]

Also, the company supports budding startups related to agriculture and AI to help farmers.

In November 2023, Wadhwani AI’s CottonAce app received funding of $3.3 million (around Rs 2,74,477,005) from Google.org. The company works on Artificial Intelligence(AI)-based solutions to help farmers around the country.

The Cotton Ace app offers real-time guidance to farmers in terms of what type of crops to grow, pest management and judicious use of fertilizers, which are crucial for getting a good harvest and the best price. To help farmers understand the concepts and information easily, the AI-powered app is available in nine Indian languages.

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Published 20 March 2024, 13:35 IST

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