
Two protests over two days mar BHU campus

The two protests on the Banaras Hindu University campus were held by separate groups on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning
Last Updated : 28 April 2022, 16:54 IST
Last Updated : 28 April 2022, 16:54 IST

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A group of BHU students burnt the vice-chancellor’s effigy to protest against an iftar party and some others held a demonstration after provocative slogans surfaced on the campus walls.

The two protests on the Banaras Hindu University campus were held by separate groups on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning.

A group of students reached the BHU VC’s office on Wednesday evening after an Iftar party was held in a women's college of the varsity and was attended by VC Sudhir Jain and other staffers of the varsity and the college.

Alleging that the Iftar party was held in a varsity college for the first time and questioning the need to start a new tradition, students raised slogans at the VC’s residence and burnt his effigy in a late evening protest.

BHU spokesperson Rajesh Singh, however, said that holding an Iftar party was not a new thing for the BHU and alleged that the anti-Iftar protest was an attempt to disturb the peace and harmony on the campus.

"Festivals of all religions are celebrated on the campus. The Roza Iftar was organised at the women's college after a gap of two years and the VC was invited in it as the head of the university,” he said.

“Even in the past, VCs have participated in the Iftar on being available. Attempts to spoil the environment on such issues is condemnable," Singh said.

The Wednesday evening’s protest was followed by another one on Thursday after some anti-Brahman and slogans and those related to Kashmir surfaced on the varsity campus wall.

Though varsity officials dubbed the surfacing of slogans as the handiwork of Bhagat Singh Chhatra Morcha, the student outfit strongly refuted the allegation.

The university's Chief Proctor B C Kapri who reached the protest spot said this has been done to disturb the campus atmosphere.

"But we will not let this happen," he said.

Kapri said the members of the Bhagat Singh Chhatra Morcha, whose name was written under the slogans, have been identified by the university administration and action will be taken against them.

Refuting the allegation, the student body said in a statement, “The BCM has nothing to do with these slogans. BCM has asked the university administration to investigate the matter and take strict action against those involved in it.”

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Published 28 April 2022, 16:54 IST

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