Less is moreAre you on the lookout for ways to break away from the periodic lull to wade through the lockdown? Pooja Prabbhan gets experts to tell you how to brighten up the very space you’re cooped up in
Pooja Prabbhan
Last Updated IST
Colour palette
Colour palette

Clear, recycle or let it go. “De-cluttering is one the easiest ways to spruce up a space. We often do not keep things back and this creates a mess and untidy interiors. Any kind of décor makeover without a de-cluttering spin is pointless.

So, get started with a weekend cleanse therapy of sorts by throwing away things you don’t use or can’t recycle any more before you begin with the renovation,” says Darshana Patel, décor expert and founder at Signa Design adding, how pursuing DIY projects will liberate space. “Melting old white wax candles with crayons help create colourful side table or centre table pieces, while DIY projects like adding available flowers from your pots or garden and floating them in an urli or glass bowl are great ways to liven up a dull corner in an instant. Drying leaves and flowers between newspapers and sticking them on a chart paper once dried to create a collage is another spiffy corner table DIY.”

Plan your space: Aside from clutter removal, space planning is one of the best ways to spruce up your space avers another décor expert. “Adding a natural element to your space can mean many things, it can mean, adding greenery — which means potted plants, flowers, hanging wall gardens, herb gardens. It can be increasing the flow of natural light and air, by adding mirrors, changing the wall colours or even rearranging your furniture,” states Naazli Somjee, Principal ID, MIMI Homes Pvt Ltd. “Nothing beats natural lighting. Hence, increasing the ability of natural light to move throughout your spaces is essential. For darker spaces, adding mirrors or glass furnishings (light coloured vases or spherical objects) to catch the natural light and throw it around your space, can help relax and calm the mood and make one want to spend more time soaking up the sun or getting a breath of fresh air in a space that didn’t have it before,” adds Somjee.


Spread some joy: In times like these, a quick-fix to some cheer won’t hurt as there’s a gloomy vibe. “Be it in the form of plants to brighten up a corner or infuse your home air with some revitalised energy. You could even just let air circulate through your home by opening out all the windows for a few hours in the day. Adding a rug to the floor can easily help spruce up your interiors,” adds Nibhrant Shah, Founder and CEO of Isprava and Lohono Stays.

While it’s easy to rethink ways to do-up your living spaces, ensure there’s a balance and the great vibe spills out to the entire house. “Keeping your kitchen sink and floor clean should be a priority. Another mistake is piling laundry clothes in a corner. This makes any room look messy,” says Ashwini Gupte, Head of Design, Spaces who also doles out a style tip. “Instead of folding your comforter, spreading it on the bed with a top fold ( the hotel look) will make your room look stylish,” she adds.

Dos & don’ts of décor: Décor for the large part is a creative unleash. But, there are a few rules in the book that’ll do you a power of good. “Over accessorising an area can lead it to feeling cluttered and dull — too many cushions, lamps, table ornaments, paintings and the like can dull the vibe of any room,” adds Naazli Somjee.

Relive the good ol’ days: “You could also dig up those dusty holiday finds you forgot about and arrange them to mix and match more than one design,” adds Nibhrant Shah. Thinking along similar lines,
Darshana Patel suggests the use of family photos. “Family frames that are nicely designed on a wall with some interesting frames can be a great way to
also beat social isolation and feel the love of your loved ones from a distance,” suggests Darshana, adding, “Candles in the evening not only give out a
great fragrance but also create a warm, cosy and nostalgic feeling. I think the one thing that the pandemic has taught us is to be grateful of what we have.”

Quick guide

Indoor plants not only purify the air but also give a completely different look and feel to the house. Money and jade plants are also easy to maintain and grow with very little maintenance.

Throwing in some carpets and styling them around your home can also be another way if you have carpets at home as it adds a pop of colour in the house.

Take a look at all the items you want to keep that mean something to you...If they have a particular colour theme, putting other accessories in that same colour theme helps to give you a splash of colour and meaning in one go. So, if your books have green spines, hunt around the house to put your green vases, paintings and a few small plants together to create your oasis of calm.

(Published 12 May 2020, 00:35 IST)