5-day pension dharna starts
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Protesters from all fields, including noted intellectuals and rights activists, on Monday sat on the first day of a five-day dharna at Jantar Mantar to support the demand of pension for all senior citizens of the country.

The protest, organised by the Pension Parishad, was attended by Justice Rajinder Sachar and senior journalist Kuldip Nayar among others.

Convenors of the campaign Aruna Roy and Baba Adhav said the participation of so many representatives of marginalised communities from various states revealed the enormous groundswell for universal pension scheme – a demand which no political party can afford to ignore. 

 Prabhat Patnaik, economist, Jawaharlal Nehru University, said it was the duty of the government to find resources for a basic entitlement like pension.

He added, “There is no way in which the government can say it does have the funds to meet this demand. Unlike other countries, India has the lowest tax-GDP ratio and it is possible to raise additional taxes. If that is done then the demand for universal pension can be met.”

Kuldip Nayar said, “You have overcome 50 per cent of the struggle with your concerted presence and your resolve to stay here for the next five days and fight for your demand.”

Communist Party of India leader D Raja assured that his party will raise this issue during this session inside and outside Parliament.

(Published 08 May 2012, 01:39 IST)