Follow the constitution: US to Pak leaders
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"Regardless of the fallout from the decision, we expect Pakistan's leaders will act in accordance with their constitution," the State Department Deputy Spokesman, Robert Wood, told reporters at a news conference.

He, however, said it is an internal matter of the country.
"That is an internal matter of Pakistan and we respect the decision of the Supreme Court," Wood said yesterday when asked about the Pak Supreme Court's verdict that quashed the NRO promulgated by former President General Pervez Musharraf.

"I don't want to get into a discussion about it," he added.

"But we, our Pakistani partners, and others in international community are trying to do what we can, to help Pakistan move forward in terms of dealing with issues such as development, fighting terrorism and bringing some economic stability and prosperity to the country," Wood said.

"It's a major, major effort, and it's going to take time. I think Pakistanis will admit to you that, this situation is serious," Wood said adding the United States wanted to help stabilise Pakistan, because it was in the interest of everyone, particularly its neighbour Afghanistan.

(Published 18 December 2009, 11:52 IST)