Future hotel rooms
Last Updated IST

The technology was showcased at the Hotel Hospitality and Design expo in Sydney. The “Hotel Room of the Future” exhibit, designed by John Beazely and Co aims to cater to the every whim of today’s travellers who demand the latest in technology.

Guests will be able to check-in and manage their in-room dining via their mobile phone with the MyStayManager smartphone technology.

To access the room you call a number and then hold up your mobile phone to the top of the door handle to unlock it.

Once inside the room, guests can play videos, music and explore their location from a coffee table with a large touch screen on top.

The hotel’s Suite Control device allows you to customise the room to suit your mood.
The iGlass window can switch from clear to white at the touch of a button, providing increased privacy.

The “Bartech” fridge automatically registers when you take a drink and charges it to your account. If you change your mind, there’s a time limit to put it back and not be charged.
When it comes to sleeping, the AH Beard creation with an ergomotion base claims to let guests experience “zero gravity” and comes with three massaging settings.

The room also has a large screen television that controls many of the room’s functions.

(Published 17 March 2011, 22:42 IST)