Herd of elephants leaves behind ill calf
Last Updated IST
A herd of elephants on the banks of river Payaswini at Basmadka.
A herd of elephants on the banks of river Payaswini at Basmadka.

A herd of eight elephants including three calves that were camping on the banks of river Payaswini at Basmadka for the last two days have returned to the forest leaving beside an ill calf.

The Forest Department officials had tried to chase the elephants back to the forest by bursting crackers on Saturday night.

However, all their efforts went in vain. The herd left behind a calf and went inside Mandekolu forest on Saturday late night.


According to RFO Manjunath, the calf is weak and is not able to walk.

The veterinary doctor has treated the calf and has given glucose and other medicines to increase its strength.

The herd is likely to return on Sunday night in search of the calf, he added.

The elephants have entered the habitations in search of water.

(Published 08 April 2018, 23:54 IST)