INLD MLA seeks CBI enquiry into attack on himLegislator says police are hand in glove with assailants
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A day after getting discharged from the hospital, Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) MLA Bharat Singh from Najafgarh, who survived a physical assault, accused the local police of being in connivance with the attackers and demanded a CBI inquiry into the incident. 

“The investigation in the matter is not on the right track because local police are trying to save the conspirators who attacked me.

“I have named some people but police didn’t even bother to question them and they are roaming free. Unless a CBI probe is ordered into the matter, no justice will be served,” said 35-year-old MLA while addressing a press conference in Delhi on Thursday.

Bharat Singh was shot inside his office at Najafgarh’s Sarangpur village on June 2. The first time MLA is the younger brother of councillor Kishan Pehlawan.
On the other hand, police claim to have cracked the case with the arrest of seven persons while naming one Udaiveer as the main accused who allegedly nursed a grudge against Bharat.

However, he claims the attack was not a result of personal enmity but it was a political conspiracy against him.

"The attack was political as my adversaries couldn’t bear my popularity,” Bharat said.
According to him, his rivals believed it was difficult for them to win the seat till he was alive.

The MLA also alleged that he did not get any support from the Delhi government or police despite demanding security several times.

Infact, a day before the attack on him, the matter related to MLAs’ security was discussed in the Delhi Assembly wherein several legislators demanded security.

“I was not provided security then. Even now, after the attack just two policemen have been deployed at my house. There is no provision of security at my office where I was attacked,” he said.

(Published 06 July 2012, 02:22 IST)