Lying to save a life......
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Lying to save a life......
Lying to save a life......

Coming out of the examination hall with the satisfaction of having done well and filled with the glee of having one strike less in the battle of examinations, I found it very delightful to see the relaxation on everybody’s faces. Of being relieved of the uninteresting and deplorably boring environmental education paper!

Hastening to share the joy, as usual, with my mother about my performance, in the middle of the crowd of the exonerated, happy and delighted students I found my best friend crying! One w ho is always cheerful, lively, and bubbling with enthusiasm was grief stricken and upset. I rushed to her to ask what the matter was and discovered that she had done her paper without following the instructions at places. She had written 12 sub points (as we were told in school) instead of 3 main points for a 6 marker!

The other mates around her had unknowingly told her things which had made her  cry. I tried consoling her in vain. I didn’t know how to stop her from crying but I strongly wanted to see her smile, laugh and be the girl she always is.

I later approached my teacher to appraise her about my unusually splendid performance. Nevertheless the thrill and the joy had depleted and dissipated as I was preoccupied and worried about my best friend who was sobbing and weeping at the terrible mistake she had committed unaware. I ran back to find her disconsolate and gloomy yet!

I consoled her and told her not to ponder over what had happened and to go home. In the evening when I called her I found that she still had not cheered up! I wanted to make her happy at any cost.  Didn’t no what to say. I lied!

I told her that if extra points are written, it would be considered and even extra marks awarded. Her expression changed at once. She got rejuvenated! She became extremely happy. I could perceive from her  talk that she was resilient. She had got back her real self. I discovered that even a lie could make people happy if it were  said with a good intension. I learnt that going against the dogmas and principles of truth and honesty for a good cause is not always wrong. Indeed I feel that such a lie would have saved lies only if it were to be told to the ones who commit suicide for fear of exams. I found out that lying for a friend; lying for a good cause is not lying at all!

(Published 13 May 2010, 14:08 IST)