Mazy's Muddle: Dracula has a fangache!
Last Updated IST

 “Am reading about maths, Ma!” I said. Yes, really, I was. You know how you come across interesting stuff on the Internet. And I had just found something about vampire numbers in a blog called ‘Fascinating Facts Of Mathematics’.

A ‘vampire number’ is a number which can be written as a product of two numbers having the same digits the same number of times as the vampire number.
For example, 1827 can be written as a product of two numbers 21 and 87. 1827 = 21 x 87. Here 21 and 87 are called fangs.

I tried to see if I could discover other vampire numbers on my own....but...ouch...maybe answers would come in my dream, I thought!

So I went to sleep, and dreamt that Mr Dracula had a fangache. In my sleep, I counted Mr Dracula’s upper teeth...16 of them. They were perfectly symmetrical. The sixth tooth was his fang. What is the serial number of his second fang? You see, I can’t remember...
Out of the maze:

If the first fang is sixth from one side of his mouth, the other fang must be sixth from the opposite end. That’s sixth counting back from 16. Serial number 11.

(Published 09 June 2011, 18:02 IST)