Nepali man on way to meet wife injured in quake cheated in Delhi
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A Nepali man, on his way to meet his wife injured in the recent earthquake, was cheated of cash, valuables and passport when he came out of Delhi airport for some work.

 The victim Ganga Thapliya, 34, is a native of Sharnamati village in Nepal and works for a private company in Dubai. His wife who stays at his village with his parents was among those who were trapped under the rubble during the recent Nepal earthquake that left thousands killed. She is currently admitted to a hospital. 

Thapliya had arrived at Delhi airport by Qatar Airlines on Friday morning, and had taken a taxi to Mahipalpur. When he reached the place, he was met by two men and one woman, all in their late 30s.


On learning that Thapliya was to catch a bus to Nepal via Jalpaiguri, they claimed to be headed to Jalpaiguri themselves. But they said one of their relatives worked for the railways and he would arrange train tickets for them.

They offered to arrange a ticket for Thapliya too, and he fell for the offer. Together they took a bus to Jhandewalan and from there the four walked towards Pusa Road.

“The two men asked me to leave my luggage with the woman at a bus stand and accompany them for getting the train tickets arranged. One more man met us and he led us to the rear of City Hospital,” Thapliya told police in his complaint.

Once they reached the place, the men asked Thapliya to give them money for the ticket. He gave them Rs 7,000 and another 8,000 in Nepali rupees.

The men asked him to wait there and left. When they did not return for long, Thapliya went to the bus stand, only to find the woman and his luggage missing. When a search for the fraudsters yielded no results, he approached police, who registered a case of cheating and began investigations.

The victim lost two passports with visa, a gold chain, a watch and a mobile phone, all of which were kept in his bags. The suspects still remain at large.

(Published 05 May 2015, 07:36 IST)