Posters as simple decor solutions
Last Updated IST

Also, are you not keen on splurging on highly-priced artifacts/wall hangings?
Then, the good news is that you can enhance the beauty of your home spaces, without bidding adieu to big money.

The solution is simple. Just opt for pretty and prepossessing wall-posters, available at pavement bazaars at knockdown prices!

What’s more, you can bring about a positive change in the over-all appearance of your place, by making proper use of these posters. Now, how exactly do you go about tacking them up? All that’s needed here is some imagination. In case your living room/bedroom has a wide wall surface, then you could have a solitary massive poster, adorning your wall, plumb at its centre. Choose such posters that have great scenic beauty, besides having a soothing effect on your frazzled nerves, when you get back home from work.

Alternatively, in lieu of a single big poster, you could choose couple of smaller, say 15X20” ones in rectangular shapes, for your wall surfaces.

Cash in on your geometry knowledge here! Visualise a huge square on your wall surface. And now, select four of those small posters, and fix each one in the corner of that imaginary square. Similarly, you can pick three small posters and fix each of them in the corner of an imaginary ‘equilateral triangle’.

You can even imagine a ‘right-angle triangle’ and try fixing the posters at its corners (like in corners of letter L). Yet another way to fix these small posters is to have them diagonally one below the other, such that a straight line could be formed by joining the imaginary diagonal lines in these posters. Now stand back to marvel at the magic that these posters create!

Remember, these posters look groovy, not only on big wall surfaces, but also on those narrow strips of walls.

In case of horizontal strip, (generally found along the loft/attic), you can fix two small posters, one beside the other, with a foot length distance between them. If it’s a vertical strip (generally found as dividing wall between two rooms), then you can fix one below the other. You can even fix up a miniature-version of posters one beside/below the other in series.

Apparently, these wall posters have umpteen positive attributes to their credit. Besides the fact they’re available everywhere, that too at throwaway prices; fixing them is a facile task. Not to discount the beauty it radiates to its surroundings.

Yet another feature is that you can work out some amazing colour co-ordination, by using posters with particular palettes. For instance, if your wall surface is in pista-green or off-white colour, you can choose such posters with emerald-green backdrop. Like say, the poster containing pictures of a pup and kitty, sprawling on the verdant, lush-green meadow. The impact here is indubitably mesmerising.

You can also opt for such posters that say something of the ambience around. For instance, you can put up posters with pictures of vegetables and fruits, piled on a platter, on the kitchen wall. The USP of these posters is that they can niftily camouflage all the unsightly chinks and crevices, blotches/splotches and even tenacious dirt flecks on the walls of your home/office, in case you have any!

Also, if you’ve some posters that are superlative, then just get them laminated to buffer them against damages.

(Published 04 November 2010, 19:12 IST)