Punch, kick & bite
Last Updated IST
India has, undeniably, seen an alarming rise in crimes against women. And passive aggression will no longer work.
India has, undeniably, seen an alarming rise in crimes against women. And passive aggression will no longer work.

GIVE IT BACK India has, undeniably, seen an alarming rise in crimes against women. And passive aggression will no longer work. Krishnaraj Iyengar urges you to go the ‘eye for an eye’ way with an attacker.

“I am waiting for the day when a typical plane-jane, sober, coy and understated Bharatiya nari smashes the bones out of a man who thought she was a sitting duck for his carnal motives. It’s high time we become human weapons,” gushed a tearful Anjali, a young and fiery college student on her way to a self-defence class after attending engineering lectures. Infuriated as most of her countrywomen are by the growing sexual crimes against women in recent times, this 20-something athletic youngster has made it her mission to become a human weapon and encourage other young women to aspire to be fearless, and spiritually, emotionally and physically strong - be prepared for anything, anytime.

In the 40’s, with growing anti-Semiticism in the Slovak capital of Bratislava, Imi Lichtenfield, a Jewish wrestler, after having combated several gangs that attacked the Jewish community, discovered a way to combat real-life adversities like street fights and gangs, something that was quite different from fighting in a competition. 

Krav Maga, Hebrew for ‘contact combat’, is today the most effective and practical form of self-defence and the backbone of the Israeli defence forces, along with several other security agencies across the world. While traditional martial arts would take years to master, with many experts today challenging their practical utility in real-life situations, Krav Maga can be mastered by men and women of all ages, shapes and sizes in a much shorter time. In fact, unlike a lot of traditional forms, Krav Maga does not stick to rigid rules, but rather, adapts to what the situation demands and the position of the victim at that time. Even steps like biting and scratching in extreme cases are allowed.

With an urgent need for self-defence, Krav Maga has found considerable takers in India. Veteran Elroy Vaz, one of India’s foremost Krav Maga masters and regional director for Krav Maga Global, sheds light on the subject: “Krav Maga is the only form of self defence that can be adapted for self-preservation and not just for a ten-by-ten ring. The only ring here is the road, a parking lot, an elevator, a club, pub or a discotheque with high or multiple visibility considering psychedelic lighting.”

He goes on to state that whatever can happen to a man can happen to a woman, too, probably in greater severity. An attacker would strike with the same force, even go to the extent of rape. “An attacker is always more prepared to attack than a victim is, to defend. One reacts from a state of shock, a natural body response. You cannot, hence, do a Bruce Lee or a Chuck Norris  since your reaction would depend on your body position at that time” he explains.

Elroy recommends that women must be aware of their surroundings, but not be neurotic. He explains that one of the main problems is that Indian women truly lack the aggression and are more sheltered when compared with their western counterparts.

“In foreign countries, women play sports. There is a natural tendency for contact and aggression, like in basketball. The ‘don’t touch me’ kind of attitude doesn’t exist,” he says, adding that  women should also indulge in aggression drills and mental drills.

Speaking about traditional martial arts, Elroy explains that these were practised in the olden days when soldiers were taught these ‘arts’ in between wars to develop aggression. Krav Maga even trains to deal with multiple attackers, something that traditional systems do not.

“Tell me, how can a woman make a fist? Her long nails would be a hindrance, wouldn’t they? So we train them to use their palms and other parts, rather than punching with a closed fist. This is the difference,” he says, smiling.

Krav Maga, typically, trains fighters on technical, practical, physical and mental levels, the four pillars of the Israeli self-defence form.

The practical aspect of it even goes as far as training women in gowns, sarees and high heels, and staging drills in varied places like nightclubs, buses and elevators.“There is a growing percentage of females learning Krav Maga. During corporate workshops, we have over 30 women giggling when taught groin strikes, but then they finally do it,” Elroy explains.

 Practical tips

Women are born with a superior sense of intuition and communication. Use them to avoid trouble.

Always make it a point to walk with confidence.

When you see an attacker, never say “don’t do it”, something that would encourage him out of perversion. Rather, shout imperatives like “go away!” Break his will.


Never consider yourself to be the ‘poor victim’. Be strong-willed.

Always SMS the autorickshaw/cab number to your family/roommates before the journey.

Carry useful and handy weapons (not buried in your purses please) like kajal pencils, pens, full water bottles, tightly-folded newspapers, car keys, credit cards.

Never shout chor or bachaao, as selfish people who want to avoid being involved in someone else’s difficult situation would rather just move away. Shout ‘fire’ instead, to draw more people towards you.

Vulnerable spots to target

Don’t panic. You may think that he has the upper hand, but you are not that hapless, really. It doesn’t matter how tall or muscular he may look, there are vulnerable areas that you can target in order to get away from a dangerous situation. 

Think of areas where you can hurt him, without much physical exertion. Do something that’ll send him off balance, something that’ll make him lose control.
Here go a few body parts that make for good targets:



Ear lobes





So, it’s time you give it back, ladies!

(Published 27 February 2015, 21:00 IST)