Security guard shoots 3 robbers3 youths snatch cellphone, cash, try to steal gun from guard
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Three persons were shot by a security guard after they tried to snatch his gun in Narela on Wednesday, police said.

Police have arrested all three persons, who were injured in the firing.  Kamlesh Kumar was riding a cycle to office at Delhi Jal Board in Tikri village in outer Delhi when he was accosted by three youths near Sector A-5 at Narela.

The three youths, Wasim, Mosim and Sher Khan were on a motorcycle. One of them punched Kumar on the face, after which he fell off the cycle.

“The youths snatched his mobile phone and wallet containing Rs 1,700 and two debit cards. Then they fled the spot. After some time they returned to steal the double-barrel gun that Kumar had slung over his shoulder,” said a senior police officer.

Police said the youths assaulted Kumar and tried to snatch the weapon. “Kumar fired two rounds at the three assailants. They were hit in the legs. Then the accused fled the spot again, this time for good. They tried hiding at their houses at Kurani in Narela,” said the officer.

Kumar, who lay wounded, immediately called the police, who came to the spot and took him to Raja Harish Chand Hospital in Narela.

“The parents of the youths asked about their injuries. They were told that a person had shot them on the street. The parents then informed the police about the matter,” said the officer.

A police vehicle went to the houses of the accused and took them to the same hospital. While they were being treated, Kumar recognised them immediately and told the police about the incident.

The police arrested Wasim, Mosim and Khan after they were treated. A case under Section 392 (punishment for robbery), Section 394 (voluntarily causing hurt in committing robbery) and Section 397 (robbery or dacoity, with attempt to cause death or grievous hurt) and Section 34 (acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of the India Penal Code was registered against them.
Kumar is a resident of Shivpuri Colony at Kundali in Haryana.

(Published 19 January 2012, 01:01 IST)