Students up in arms after girl kills self
Sanjay Pandey
Last Updated IST

Hundreds of students on Tuesday demonstrated outside the gates of CSM University in Uttar Pradesh's Kanpur town, about 90 kilometres from here, after a woman, an undergraduate student, killed herself allegedly owing to her harassment and stalking by two of her classmates.

The 24-year-old victim hanged herself in her room at the Rawatpur area of the town on Monday, according to the police sources here.

The victim's parents said that she was being "stalked" and "harassed" by two of her classmates for the past couple of months and that she had lodged repeated complaints with university officials but no action was taken.


The parents also approached the police at the Kalyanpur police station and lodged a complaint against the two classmates but the police also did not take any action and her harassment continued.

"The duo would often stalk her... they passed lewd comments... used to sing obscene songs when my daughter went to attend classes at the university," said the victim's father in Kanour.

He said the police outpost in-charge even exerted pressure on him to withdraw his complaint and reach some kind of a compromise with the alleged offenders.

The distraught father said that his daughter could apparently not withstand the continuous humiliation and ended her life.

The authorities on Tuesday suspended the outpost in-charge and said that the culprits would be punished after a thorough investigation into the matter.

Earlier, the students of Banaras Hindu University had demonstrated in a similar manner to protest the alleged inaction of the university administration on the complaints of molestation on the campus.

(Published 03 April 2018, 20:04 IST)