The Sun and Fog Contested...WRITER'S DEN
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The Sun and Fog Contested...
The Sun and Fog Contested...

The Sun and Fog contested
The Government of Day -

The sun took down his
yellow whip
And drove the Fog away....

By Emily Dickinson


Emily Dickinson is one of the world’s most powerful poets who was enchanted by nature. Only ten of her poems were  published in her lifetime.


Try Try
until you succeed
until the words end
draw draw
until you are perfect
be happy
until your life ends
and also be satisfied
by how much you have

Art and poem:
R. Pavan Kumar
VII ‘B’ Sri Kumaran’s English School

Magic of colour

Colour expresses life.
A corpse cannot turn green with envy
Or blush to the colour of a rose
But remains pale, a reminder
That it does not not belong in the living world.
Every pixel needs its colour,
For a perfect picture
Just as every cloud needs its exact hue
For a picturesque sunset.
Without colour life would be like
Living out of a black and white movie;
Every colour depicts something unique
And that uniqueness is what makes
Life either bleak or bright
Showing and letting us live
Life in a constant colourful motion.

Ankita Victor
Sacred Heart's Girls' High School

I failed

On the fifth of June
when you cuddled me with your
tender arms,
and kissed me out of happiness,
I failed to thank you.
You taught me to stand on my feet,
You help me utter my first word,
You guided me into this beautiful world.
I failed to thank you.
You dressed me to school every single day,
You checked my school diaries and made
me punctual,
You prepared me to face the world with
I failed to thank you.
You dropped me to my dance class,
You dropped me to my art class,
You galvanised me into a complete
I failed to thank you.
You patiently discussed with my dentist,
You spoke with my skin specialist,
You taught me the importance of health
& hygiene
I failed to thank you.
You accompanied me to those endless
art competitions,
You encouraged me at anything new I tried,
You made me bold and strong,
I failed to thank you.
You hunted for the tuition that
moulded me,
You packed yummy lunch to school,
You stood by me as I continued to sweat
in the academic heat,
I failed to thank you.
You respected my choice of study
which raised an eyebrow in many,
You believe in my future plans,
when many shun it as a dream,
You taught me to swim in the tide
till I reach my goal,
I failed to thank you.
Your trust in my spirit,
Your faith in my dreams,
Your love in every move of mine,
Your smile in my happiness has given me
the strength to conquer my
wildest thoughts
I thank you for being my MOTHER!

— Ananya. R. B. 

(Published 14 May 2009, 20:54 IST)