UP fails to meet family planning targetsCountrys most populous state makes little headway
Sanjay Pandey
Last Updated IST

Despite spending millions, the family planning targets in India's most populous state of Uttar Pradesh could not be achieved last year, putting a question mark on the state's capability to check its rising population.

According to data released by the state family welfare department, the government, despite all its efforts, could not even achieve 50 per cent of the target in birth control schemes for 2011-2012.

The records show that the government aimed to distribute over 20 lakh contraceptives. But it handed out just 8.11 lakh, which is even below the half-way mark.

It, however, achieved 50 per cent of the target in making women use Copper-T. The government’s target was 26.10 lakh and it was able to persuade 13.90 lakh women to use that contraceptive.

Its performance in the distribution of oral pills was miserable. As against a target of distributing 9.87 lakh oral pills, it could distribute only 2.45 lakh which is less than one fourth of the target.  

The government could achieve only 32 per cent of the target in sterilisation. As against the target of sterilisation of 9.70 lakh males and females, it could persuade only 3.19 lakh males and females.

The poor performance comes as a dampener to government’s attempt to stabilise the population growth of the state, which has a around 200 million people.


The government has offered several incentives for those adopting family planning methods. It announced that those going for sterilisation after two children would be given a  `green card'  which would give them priority in claiming benefits of government schemes.

The government recently announced it would adopt newborns in rural areas to prevent their deaths and bring down the infant mortality rate (IFR) which, at 61 per 1,000,  is still quite high. The national average is around 50 per 1,000.

Officials said the government plans to bring down the IFR to 32 per 1,000 in the next few years.

Falling short

* 8.11 lakh contraceptives distributed.
*13.90 lakh women persuaded to use Copper-T.
* 2.45 lakh oral pills handed over.
* 3.19 lakh males and females go for sterilisation.

(Published 21 June 2012, 02:00 IST)