Wing-walking trio on a high
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Not just at the Olympics, but England cricketer Ben Stokes last week announced he was taking an indefinite break for mental health.
Not just at the Olympics, but England cricketer Ben Stokes last week announced he was taking an indefinite break for mental health.

You would think that being part of a world-renowned super aerobatics team would mean members who are out-and-out adventure junkies, dreaming of nothing else but extreme sports.

Talk to Annika Burstrom, Lisa Henrikkson and Hella Stening, the wing-walking trio that makes up the Scandinavian aerobatics team of the Skycats Wing-Walkers, and you will find that they are all of the above, and much more.

While Annika is an environmental scientist, Lisa is a PhD scholar pursuing photosynthesis, and Hella a successful entrepreneur dealing in adventure sports. They have managed to juggle their academic and professional pursuits with their love for wing-walking with equal grace and élan.

Dressed in their team colours – a pink T-shirt, track pants and pink cap – they were conspicuous by their presence as they wandered through the show soon after their routine and were surrounded by a curious crowd.


Asked about her most memorable moment as a wing-walker, Hella is all smiles as she tries to remember one: “There are too many to tell. However, if I have to choose, then it will definitely be my first big air show in Abu Dhabi. We flew over the desert and it was magical to see the orange sand dunes from above,” she said longingly.
Replying to the same question, Annika said it was her time at Norway when she wing-walked with the midnight sun in the horizon.

The team’s dizzy routine has been much appreciated by one and all at the show.
Asked how they liked their time in Bengaluru and their experience at the air show, Lisa is all praise: “The air show is very well organised here. Also, the weather is ver sunny here, which is good. I’m having an exciting time,” she said.

(Published 20 February 2015, 01:04 IST)