Women 'call the shots in bed'
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Women 'call the shots in bed'
Women 'call the shots in bed'

According to the survey, in order to get a good night's sleep, barely one man in 10 insists on his preferred side; and while a quarter of couples disagree over sleeping arrangements -- the woman nearly always gets her way.

Reasons for women choosing one side of the bed over the other range from wanting to avoid their sleeping partner breathing on them to wanting the man to sleep nearest to the door so he can confront any burglars, the poll suggested.

"Men are naturally designed to want to protect their female partner and that means, more often than not, they will allow her to call the shots over 'disputed territories' like preference for a certain side of the bed.

"Women are far more likely to insist on things going their way than a man too. Men are generally happy to adapt. There are lots of reasons why a woman prefers a certain side of the bed -- being furthest from the door and danger; being closest to the door so she can deal with a crying baby; wanting to be nearer the window for fresher air.

"The underlying message is women wear the trousers in the bedroom and men generally don't put up much of a fight when it comes to bedroom-related disputes," Psychologist Donna Dawson, who specialises in personality, behaviour and relationships, was quoted by the 'Daily Express' as saying.

The survey was carried out for bed manufacturer Rest Assured.

(Published 18 October 2011, 14:31 IST)