What makes WhatsApp marketing so powerful?
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New Delhi (India), May 1: "WhatsApp marketing" refers to the business activities carried out on the WhatsApp platform. Primarily, the marketers operate via WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Business API, two distinct interfaces that enable you to talk to your target clients. 

Even though it is technically possible to utilize a marketing campaign via your WhatsApp number, this is not advised. You may have difficulties sending to many contacts, and you won't have the necessary features of WhatsApp marketing, such as the welcome message and metrics. 

Let's take a look at what makes WhatsApp Business API and WhatsApp Business a better option for marketing professionals: 


WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business is a different mobile platform from WhatsApp. It basically allows small businesses to communicate directly with their customers in real-time. Even better, it's free! 

Small businesses can establish an in-app store and fill it with product catalogues, pricing, and helpful information like the open hours, physical location, and links to your websites and social media pages. 

You may use quick replies, broadcast messages, your business profile, and a product catalogue (you may use 256 at a time). These features greatly ease the communication process with potential customers and make finding the most valuable answers easy with only one click. 

Customers need help distinguishing between WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business. To them, it will appear as any other message in their WhatsApp chat, just like they usually receive messages from their friends. 

WhatsApp Business Platform

Now, we will mention the second WhatsApp marketing tool, a more comprehensive tool targeting large businesses. 

The WhatsApp Business Platform, called API too earlier, empowers merchants to use the entire set of advertising tools of the application. It is crucial as it will integrate your WhatsApp BR account with your CRM service or email provider for large-scale conversations with the platform you are familiar with. 

The following are the steps to signing up for WhatsApp Business. 

The thing to know is that the WhatsApp Business Platform itself does not come with a visual interface. It's an API, an excellent way to allow two software programs to talk to each other and share their data. 

This is how the WhatsApp Business Platform becomes your WhatsApp Business account, sitting on your usual business mobile phone device and linked to a WhatsApp marketing software called a WhatsApp partner. This software serves as a link that connects you and your business to the WhatsApp Business Platform. 

Much more is available beyond the WhatsApp Business Platform than the Mobile App alone. It gives you unlimited users, permits the conduct of effective marketing campaigns, and helps you provide a strategic approach to customer service. 

To this extent, with API, you get to send the number of automated and session messages you need. This implies that you can not only broadcast WhatsApp messages (for example, newsletters) but also accept orders, offer advice to customers, etc. 

You got to know that in contrast to WhatsApp Business App, WhatsApp Business Platform is not free and comes with a pricing model with rates per message sent. 

Another prominent distinction between the WhatsApp Business app and the WhatsApp Business Platform is that you can download the app, establish an account, and use its API. Instead, it would be best if you established your business through a WhatsApp Business service provider. 

WhatsApp marketing is potent due to several factors: 

Direct Communication: As a communication channel between the company and consumers, WhatsApp goes beyond traditional forms of engagement by facilitating immediate and personalized interaction and, as a result, enhances engagement and responses. 

High Open Rates: WhatsApp message opening rates are usually very high; this means that your audience receives the message, and it is visible to them as well. 

Personalization: With the aid of user data, messages can be tailored to the user's needs, making those messages more relevant and efficient. 

Multimedia Support: For instance, WhatsApp provides services for multiple media types, such as writing, pictures, videos, and documents, and this can turn out to be a critical factor when it comes to diverse marketing strategies. 

Group Messaging: The convenience of mass communication in groups is that it is possible to reach consumers present simultaneously, that is, driving discussions and demand among the consumer community. 

Integration with CRM Tools: A tight integration with CRM tools eliminates the necessity of managing customer interactions and data separately. 

Global Reach: WhatsApp as a communication medium might help establish a connection with a diverse audience based on location and caste or group differences.

Several businesses have switched to WhatsApp marketing as it is the cheapest tool. Making customers, creating a bond with them, and marinating is easy with this app. You can send thousands of promotional messages at once with the help of WhatsApp marketing. What are you waiting for? Go and start your marketing journey!

(Published 02 May 2024, 10:35 IST)