Amazon India to set up shop at WeWork
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Amazon India to set up shop at WeWork
Amazon India to set up shop at WeWork

WeWork India, an office space sharing startup, is all set to attract Amazon as its new clients at its Bengaluru facility.

According to sources familiar with the development, Amazon and Microsoft will buy seats at WeWork Bengaluru community space at the WeWork Galaxy at Residency Road in Bengaluru.

“Amazon is planning to book 600 seats which will occupy an entire floor and Microsoft will occupy 100 more seats. They will further expand their presence at WeWork Galaxy as per their demand,” said the source.

WeWork Galaxy has the capacity to accommodate 2,300 community members. The company is targeting 10,000 desks across three cities - Bengaluru, Delhi and Mumbai - over the next six months.

The ecommerce giant has acquired total 3.1million sq ft of office space in India., more than four times the 7 lakh sq ft that Flipkart has on rent. The company recently leased 6 lakh square feet of office space in Hyderabad.

Commenting on the development, an Amazon India official said, “As a policy, we do not comment on speculation and future plans”.

Microsoft, which has a 500-seat space at its Bengaluru facility, is planning further expansion. Responding to a query from DH, Microsoft India spokesperson said the company has a large employee base in Bengaluru and they work out of different offices in the city.

“As a part of our regular business process, we have undertaken a strategic assessment of our real estate portfolio in Bengaluru to ensure that we have the right long-term plan in place to support our business growth.

This includes a period of transition for some of our employees who will move to a shared office space that will give them convenience,” said the spokesperson.

DH News Service

(Published 14 August 2017, 23:30 IST)