3 million users and counting
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ScienceDaily is one of internet’s most popular links  related to science. Ever since its creation in 1995, the award-winning site has earned the loyalty of students, researchers, healthcare professionals, government agencies, educators and the general public all around the world. Now, with more than three million monthly visitors, ScienceDaily generates nearly 15 million page views a month and is steadily increasing with each day.
The free service, sustained by advertising support, provides breaking news about the latest discoveries and research projects in science, health and medicine, the environment, space, technology, and computers, all sourced from the world’s leading universities and research institutions. The information on the site is updated four times a day, and it also offers a free search of its archives, related links, books, encyclopedia articles. So feel free to walk the virtual aisles in search of your favourite science topic.
There are hundreds of different topics to choose from, including:


Searching for related topics and stories from the ScienceDaily’s archives or news sections is easy too. Just enter a keyword or phrase, and select a section (by default, it searches the entire site) and time period.   The time period, by default, is a year. However, it can be changed from past 30 days to 10 years or more.  By clicking on the tabs, related reference articles, videos, images and books, can be browsed. Results are listed in descending order of relevance (default) or date.  

The depth of breaking news related to the latest scientific discoveries that ScienceDaily offers access to — absolutely free with no subscription fees whatsoever — is itself enough reason  to visit the site at least once. The site includes over 65,000 research articles, 15,000 images, 2,500 encyclopedia entries, 1,500 book reviews and hundreds of educational videos. Updated seven days a week with breaking news and feature articles,  the site encompasses discoveries in all fields of the physical, biological, earth and applied sciences.  Universities around the world have come to rely on ScienceDaily to share news about their scientists’ findings with a wider audience. Among the headlines and links of evolving stories posted at ScienceDaily, at the time of writing this article, were:

-The Global Map of Human Gene Expression.

-An explanation for the so-called Broken-Heart Syndrome. The heart takes on that particular shape after  strong emotional stress.

-How disorder at microscopic level reveals important changes in behaviour of matter.

-Fish introduced into rivers by human intervention over the past 150 years have modified the average body size of fish assemblages in many areas of the world.

-Hooking up or dating: Who benefits? Researchers have explored the reasons that motivate college men and women to hook up or to date, as well as the perceived relative benefits and costs of the two.  

The ScienceDaily Video News presently hosts videos of varied interests that include the  Chemistry of Cooking — to help understand why recipes go wrong; interventional cardiologists conducting heart surgery; family tree research; research meteorologists who are able to predict weather and severe storms. Look for a video called ‘The Culprit — Global Warming’.

ScienceDaily’s articles are selected from new releases submitted by leading universities and research organisations around the world, and are posted in their original form with a link to the organisation’s home page that provides the background information on each article. In addition, ScienceDaily offers links to major science media and other resources of science news on the web.  The site has enjoyed high rankings with many web search engines including Google and Yahoo for hundreds of scientifically important keywords, including the word ‘Science’ for which the website figures in the top three search results.

ScienceDaily has been linked to thousands of schools and universities, professional associations, research organisations, reference sources,  newspapers, magazines, news services, blogs and social networking and bookmarking sites including Digg, Facebook, MySpace, and Technorati.  

ScienceDaily is worth a visit every day, but if you can’t make it every day to the website you would be well advised to subscribe to its email newsletters and RSS newsfeeds to keep abreast with evolving science discoveries that are happening by the hour.

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(Published 14 April 2010, 18:18 IST)