Acing a virtual interview
Kaushik Banerjee
Last Updated IST
virtual interview
virtual interview

Virtual has become the new reality now. In fact, there is a jump in demand for virtual hiring systems from across industries and the trend is here to stay. In such a scenario, it becomes imperative for job-seekers, both freshers and experienced, to understand the concept of virtual interviews and be better prepared to crack it. Some of the key things to keep in mind when attending a virtual interview are:

Check your tech: First check your internet connection, make sure there is no connectivity loss. Check your web camera, test the microphone on your headphone or your laptop well in advance. It is even advisable to do a test call with either a friend or a family member, so that you can be sure that both the camera and audio are in place.

Minimise distractions: Since recruiters notice even minute details, make sure that your room is well-lit and tidy, the background clean and that your face is clearly seen. Avoid distractions – request family members to not enter your room during the interview, keep pets away, keep your mobile phone on silent mode and switch off your television.


Practice, don’t memorise: Recruiters can distinguish between a memorised answer and a spontaneous response. However, practicing responses with gestures in front of a mirror or family members increases your confidence level.

Prepare and execute: Do not walk into any interview unprepared. Visit the company website and try to understand the operations of the company, their presence etc. Prepare for some commonly asked questions such as: Why are you interested in this role? What do you know about our company? Tell me about a challenge at work and how did you deal with it?

Body language: Always wear formals for your virtual interview. This shows the interviewer that you are serious about your job and are ready to take the weight of the company on your shoulders. Having the right body language is one of the most important aspects of a virtual interview. Ensure you maintain a very formal posture. The best way to have a proper body language is by not hunching down, keeping your back straight, smiling, and looking right at the camera. This is how you show confidence to your interviewer.

Find a connection: Interviewers see thousands of candidates every day on camera and hence it would be a good idea to make a connection with them. It is not easy to connect with recruiters, but they occasionally enjoy an interest apart from the same questions they have been asking all day.

Follow-up email: Develop the habit of thanking the interviewer for the opportunity given to you. Within 24 hours of the interview, send an individual Thank You email to your interviewer. This not only shows you are genuinely interested in the role, but also provides an opportunity to get them to remember you.

(The writer is vice president of an HR company)

(Published 15 September 2020, 06:00 IST)