Choosing the right college!EXACT PICK Choice is your only freedom. Are you using it right? Asks Girish S Angadi
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Choosing the right college!
Choosing the right college!

Admission time brings in a lot of newspaper / TV advertisements and hoardings / friends and what not to discuss nothing but the different MBA colleges and the courses they offer.  Most of the parents’ and students’ plight is to get some course which will give them the best exposure and returns in the fastest possible manner.

The fruits of tomorrow depend upon the seeds of choices that you make today.  Today’s challenges need to have performing managers who are resourceful rather than depend upon resources. 

Those, who get into the right colleges which help them develop the right tools and skills, are the ones whom progressive companies want to employ.  At the same time, there are some who get promoted for their work and need to hone relevant skills and many more as per the pre-requisites of the place where they are.  

Considerable factors

While choosing an institute or college for MBA, some look at the infrastructure, others at the teaching staff and some even at the convenience and comforts available within the campus and around its premises. 

Finally what is important is to get the right dream job in a blue chip company.  However, the problem companies realize is that many of them are not industry ready even after completing their MBA program!

What one really needs to look into are the following;

n Academic and placement records of the previous year – the past hardly matters today.
n The teaching staff – their credentials and rapport with the students
n Whether the activities at the college expose students to be industry ready
n Whether one’s shortfalls / lacunae in skills and attitude will get the right exposure
n A conducive learning atmosphere of share, care and support
n Whether the institute helps to develop intangible qualities like confidence, motivation, optimism etc rather than providing tangibles like laptops, and quality facilities
n Look for fees affordability to fit into the program, as it is a life-time and final academic heavy investment.
We go to an MBA college to become performing managers rather than for tangible benefits like laptop, foreign tours, free food and dress code. Most of these tangible benefits can be availed by us anytime at best cost from the market, and they are covered by college fees paid by us as well.
Also, more importantly one needs to calculate the return on his or her investments made for a two-year program.
As a business student one should ensure their return on investment made on a two-year program (inclusive of course fees, other expenditure, interest etc) is encashed within 16-24 months from the course end date.

(The writer is the director of placements at a B school in Dharwad, Karnataka.)

(Published 31 July 2013, 19:39 IST)