Many ways to get into a career in medical fieldSTUDY IN INDIA
Ali Khwaja
Last Updated IST

Dear Sir,

I am good at biology and would like to become a doctor. I have done fairly well in my Class 12 exam and have been taking coaching for NEET. But as the date of the entrance exam comes nearer, I am losing my confidence. I don’t think I will be able to qualify for MBBS, and it will be a great humiliation for my parents who have great hopes for me. Should I even appear for the exam?

Nikitha S


Dear Nikita,

If you are good at Biology and Chemistry, have a genuine concern for human well-being and are willing to spend time with patients, do appear for the NEET exam by preparing as best as you can. If in case you do not get an MBBS seat, you can take up Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Siddha or Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (all are five-year recognised degree courses that make you a doctor in that field). Alternatively, you can consider Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Veterinary, Nutrition and Dietetics, or one of the many four-year para-medical courses that make you a professional in specific areas of healing. Many of them are quite rewarding in terms of earnings. Do not get disheartened, you can be part of the healing process and have a good career through any of these paths.

Dear Sir,

I'm writing on behalf of my niece who is about to complete Class 12 in the science field. She is interested in pursuing cyber security and safety. I would like to know more about the degree courses in that field.


Dear Vinay,

Cyber security is gaining significance as companies wish to protect their intellectual property from being pirated. There are very few engineering colleges that have recently started offering undergraduate courses in this specialisation. They may not be fully equipped to provide a good education. Hence it is better for her to take up a course in Computer Science Engineering in whichever best college she can get admission to through JEE or CET, and then study in India or abroad for specialisation in the field at the post-graduate level. Meanwhile, she can do internships or short-term online courses in the area of her interest.

Dear Sir,

My son is studying in Class 12 CBSE (PCM). I would like to know the best aptitude test and subsequent student counselling centres in Bengaluru.


Dear Vikram,

There are many private career counselling centres in Bengaluru. We would not like to recommend any specific names. You may search on the internet, speak to counsellors concerned and satisfy yourself, check out the type of reports they give, and then seek guidance in whichever place most suited to you.

Dear Sir,

Will the SSLC public examination for the academic year 2023-24 by the Karnataka State Education Department be conducted or not?

Praveen M

Dear Praveen,

As of now, there is no announcement of the Class 10 board exam not being conducted. Any student who has just completed Class 9 should start preparing as per the existing norms and syllabus for the March 2024 SSLC exam. The NEP is slowly being implemented, so keep track of announcements by the government or check on the Karnataka Examination Authority website from time to time.

Dear Sir,

I am a student of Class 12 (2023-24 Commerce). I am interested in doing a graduation course in actuarial science. Please let me know which colleges in India offer this course. With the NEP, can it be done with BCom simultaneously?

Kaushik Prabhu

Dear Kaushik,

The body authorised to conduct Actuaries (assessors of risk and valuation of assets for insurance purposes) certification is the Actuarial Society of India ( which conducts the certifying exam, and their certification is valid anywhere in the country. Eligibility is Class 12. You can prepare on your own or take coaching. The Institute of Insurance and Risk management ( also conducts PG Diploma in Insurance and Risk Management for those who wish to enhance their knowledge and qualifications.

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(Published 27 March 2023, 17:54 IST)