Navigating unwritten rules in higher education
M Viswanathaiah
Last Updated IST
Students studying
Students studying

Students who enrol in higher education frequently face challenges beyond the traditional curriculum. Although not expressly taught, there are unspoken or concealed rules that must be obeyed. The so-called “hidden curriculum” is this body of guidelines, and it might be just as crucial to success as the conventional curriculum.

Social conventions, attitudes and beliefs that influence how individuals act and interact in educational situations are part of the hidden curriculum. To traverse social hierarchies, comprehend classroom behaviour requirements, and effectively interact with students and professors are just a few examples of what it can entail.

In higher education, some instances of the concealed curriculum include:


Networking: In higher education, networking is crucial. Although it is not expressly taught, developing connections with academics and industry experts is important. Networking can result in job openings, collaborative research projects, and referrals.

Classroom participation: Participation in class discussions is not assessed, but it is a significant component of the covert curriculum. Participating in class is considered as demonstrating engagement and interest in the subject, and it increases the likelihood that students will form bonds with their lecturers.

Professional communication: An essential component of the concealed curriculum is professional communication with academics and peers. Students need to develop their professional email writing, meeting communication, and academic discourse skills.

Office hours: Although they are optional, office hours are a crucial component of the concealed curriculum. Students that show up for office hours are seen as driven and interested in learning. Students can strengthen their relationships with their teachers by attending office hours.

Time management: A key component of the concealed curriculum is time management. To thrive in higher education, students must learn how to combine their studies, extracurricular activities, and personal lives.

The fact that the concealed curriculum is frequently not explicitly taught means that students must figure it out on their own, which presents a problem. For children from disadvantaged families who might not have had access to the same socialising opportunities as their peers, this can be especially difficult.

For instance, a student from a low-income background might not be aware that emailing their professor to schedule a meeting outside of class time is suitable. Another possibility is that a student who is the first in their family to attend college may not be aware of the unwritten guidelines for classroom engagement and may find it awkward to speak up in front of the class.

Eliminating inequities

The potential for the concealed curriculum to maintain inequities in higher education presents another difficulty. While kids from disadvantaged backgrounds may be at a disadvantage, students from privileged ones may have had experiences that helped them to navigate the hidden curriculum.

Institutions and educators can take measures to increase the visibility and accessibility of the hidden curriculum for all students. This entails offering seminars and materials on polite behaviour and effective communication, advocating for diversity and inclusion, and fostering a climate that is inclusive and encouraging for all students.

The concealed curriculum can be navigated by students as well. Building relationships with professors and peers, seeking out resources and support services that might help students achieve, and looking for mentors and advisors who can offer advice on navigating academic contexts are all examples of what they should do.

In conclusion, a crucial but frequently disregarded component of higher education is the hidden curriculum. Institutions and educators may support all learners in academic contexts by acknowledging their existence and taking action to make it more visible and accessible. This can help the students navigate the secret curriculum, which will help them excel in college and beyond.

(The author is the director of IFIM College, Bengaluru)

(Published 02 May 2023, 22:12 IST)