Put in your best effortsSTUDY IN INDIA
Ali Khwaja
Last Updated IST
Study in India
Study in India

Dear Sir,

I am currently studying second-year PUC (Commerce). I wish to get into one of the Indian intelligence agencies such as RAW, IB or NIA. Kindly suggest ways or alternatives to joining any one of the intelligence agencies.



Dear Shekar,

It is commendable that you wish to serve the nation through investigative agencies. You may start right now with building up your physical fitness, communication skills and general knowledge. Once you complete your graduation in any stream you will be eligible to appear for the various entrance exams for civil services. The most in demand are the C-SAT held by UPSC (see for Class 1 Civil Services including IFS, IAS and IPS. As you have found that the top positions in the intelligence agencies are generally occupied by IPS officers on deputation for a fixed number of years. However, you can also appear for the exams that are held periodically to recruit deputy superintendents or assistant commandants in various agencies. At the next level, the Staff Selection Commission (SSC, see recruits for sub-inspectors and equivalent posts, and you can then go up the ranks by giving departmental tests. Note that selection is highly competitive and only those who prepare systematically and continuously succeed.

Dear Sir,

My seven-year-old son is studying in Class 1 (ICSE). His grades are good, but I want to improve his overall IQ development rather than only studies. I am confused if classes like abacus, chess or others would be helpful, or is it just about parents’ mindset. Kindly suggest how one can make him future-ready.


Dear Ameena,

It is good that you are taking a deep interest in the studies and development of your child right from an early age. For this generation, an overall learning of life skills is the most important factor, as behavioural scientists are predicting that for the children of today 80% of their success, fulfilment and happiness will depend on their Emotional Intelligence (EQ, which primarily consists of self-awareness, management of emotions, motivation, empathy and social skills). IQ of a child cannot be built up as it is inherited by him. Any good coaching in logical or mathematical activities can be useful as long as it is done in free time without putting too much pressure on the child, and without presuming that it will be the ultimate factor for success. It will be better if you focus on his true learning, understanding concepts, building a questioning and exploratory mind, rather than only preparing him for entrance exams.

Dear Sir,

I am a second-year CS student. I have an inquisitive mind and wish to get into intelligence agencies like CID, CBI or others. Are there any exams that I need to write? If I have to prepare, kindly suggest preparation methods that I need to go about? Is it necessary to have a fit or an athletic body to find a chance into this field? Kindly refer some best institutes that train candidates for these services.


Dear Jaya,

Since you are pursuing Computer Science Engineering, do put in your best efforts to maintain good grades, as that will open doors for you towards a better future. If you have found out in depth about life in civil or military service, and are keen to get in, you will definitely need to strengthen your physical fitness to a great extent. Along with that will be your awareness of happenings around you and your general knowledge, and of course, your ability to respond in interviews.

All Class I Civil Services are recruited only through UPSC. Boys can enter military service by giving the exam for NDA intake, and both boys and girls can appear for Combined Defence Services Exam (CDSE) after graduation in various fields. All these exams are conducted by the UPSC. You can also appear for exams conducted at the next lower level to become Deputy Superintendent/ Asst Commandant of CBI, CISF, BSF, CRPF, etc., and then work your way up to higher posts based on seniority. There are coaching centres that prepare you for the entrance exams in all big cities.

(Published 18 April 2019, 00:28 IST)