'Set long-term career goals'Study in India
Ali Khwaja
Last Updated IST
Scope in any field depends on how good you are, and how deeply involved you are in your work.
Scope in any field depends on how good you are, and how deeply involved you are in your work.

Dear Sir,

My granddaughter is studying in II PUC with commerce combination. She wants to pursue BBA in a good college with hostel facility. Please suggest some good colleges in our country.

Sathya Narayan


Dear Sathya,

There are hundreds of good colleges all over the country offering BBA course and many of them do have hostel facility. You may select based on the location, reputation, admission criteria, additional inputs and the exposure they offer to the business world.

Also, help her to set long-term career goals as to what she would like to be doing for the next 40-50 years of her working life, and then decide whether BBA is the right path to take her to her goals.

Dear Sir,

I am a final year student pursuing B Tech in Mechanical Engineering. I am interested in pursuing my Master’s in Nanotechnology. Could you please suggest some good universities and scope for me in the future.

Chengappa K B

Dear Chengappa,

Scope in any field depends on how good you are, and how deeply involved you are in your work. If you are passionate about the field of nano-technology, if you can determine how you are going to use your studies and the knowledge gained to implement in your work life, and if you have understood in depth what would be the type of work, environment, lifestyle in that field, you can go ahead.

Nano technology is now being offered by most reputed universities. Other than IITs, NITs, BITS Pilani, you can explore Amity University, Noida; SRM, Chennai; Anna University, Trichy; Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna; Bhagwant University, Ajmer etc. Most universities give admission based on your GATE ranking, so start preparing for the exam which is held in February every year. Details are available on,

Dear Sir,

I am currently studying in II PUC (PCMB combination). I want to become a pilot and wish to obtaining a commercial pilot licence. Please suggest some good colleges in India and the procedure to obtain a commercial pilot licence.

Manish Gowda H G

Dear Manish,

In India any student who has completed 10+2 with Math and Physics is eligible to become a civil pilot. You need to enroll in a flying training school, complete the Student Pilot Licence (SPL), then the Private Pilot Licence (PPL) and finally the commercial pilot licence (CPL). You may also have to get yourself trained further for flying bigger aircraft and other skills. The employment scenario for commercial pilots keeps fluctuating periodically and you will also need to ensure that you clear your physical/medical test every year. Some of the established flying training schools are listed below:

CAE Global Academy, Gondia (; Flytech Aviation Academy, Secunderabad (; Hindustan Academy, Bengaluru; Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi, Raebareli (; Orient Flight school, Chennai (; Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited, Mumbai (; Rajiv Gandhi Aviation Academy, Hyderabad (; Sunrise Aviation, USA (

Dear Sir,

I am studying in Class 9. I wish to take up Science stream in PUC. I wish to know the different courses I can take up at graduation level apart from engineering and medicine. Also, mention the job prospects.

Jaipal Reddy

Dear Jaipal,

It is good that you are looking towards your future career from an early stage. It is better that you first narrow down on your long-term career goals and then decide which stream would be most appropriate in PUC. Since you have enough time, start looking at all possible careers, get information on those that interest you, talk to knowledgeable people, find out not only the skills and courses required but also the lifestyle in that field.

If for some reason you are unable to decide by the time you complete 10th, and if you enjoy science subjects, then you can take up science at the PUC level and again start the process of narrowing down. After completing PUC with science you are eligible for every possible career including those related to commerce and arts. While one cannot switch from commerce or arts to science, it is possible other way round.

Then, based on which career you have selected, you can select your degree course. Job prospects are good in any field if you are competent in it.

(Published 02 January 2020, 00:18 IST)