Shaping the young mind by exampleROLE MODELS
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Shaping the young mind by example
Shaping the young mind by example

Being good teachers is not a destination, but a journey of constant endeavors and dedication, writes Sahana Prasad

Modern day students need model teachers as the nation runs out of icons who can be emulated and looked up to. Knowledge imparted by a teacher and the power a teacher wields over the students leave a deep impact on the young minds. It is not uncommon to see children idolizing their teachers and wishing to be like them.

Movies, especially in the past, have contributed to this image by portraying teachers as principled, self sacrificing individuals who are devoted to their profession. They not only imparted academic knowledge but also guided students on moral path. They practiced what they preached by leading a righteous life, many a time in poverty and self-denial and still, never succumbed to temptations, bribes or threats from anti social elements.

Most children believe that their teacher knows best and often refuse to believe what others, including their parents say by pouting and replying “No, it cannot be so, my teacher says so!” Almost all kids are in the competition for being the teacher’s pet. Carrying flowers and gifts on teacher’s day, giving them extra chocolates on birthdays and on passing exams, are signs of deep love and affection towards teachers.

As a child grows older, he/she is exposed to the real world through social interactions, media and of course, the internet. With information available freely and easily over the net, along with other aids like educational DVDs, reference materials etc, the teacher is no longer the sole provider of knowledge.  There is a shift in the teacher’s role to a facilitator of learning. This is also a phase where the teacher is observed keenly and judged, not only for the subject knowledge but also on other characteristics.

Students are very sharp in noticing even the minor flaws of their teachers. The way their teachers interact with their peers, their style of dressing, their attitude towards supporting staff, junior colleagues, even with the canteen guy, along with their other characteristics is involuntarily judged and stored away in a student’s mind.

In the recent past, a few unsavory incidents involving teachers have been reported in the media. A teacher accused of pilfering provisions meant for mid day meals, harassing students, punishing them harshly, driving them to the point of taking their own lives, mass copying in departmental exams, accepting bribes to pass students etc give a false image to students as well as a rude shock to the youngsters. Movies, too have contributed by depicting female teachers in revealing outfits, students fantasizing about their teachers, male teachers being partners in crimes and so on. This leads young minds to wonder how people who lecture them lack in inner strength and moral fortitude.

As a teacher, one must remember that he/she is in an enviable position to shape young lives and keep in mind the following qualities.

n Knowledge: The most important quality of a teacher is to possess not just text book knowledge but also have a deep understanding of their subjects. Being a voracious reader will ensure that the teacher is up-to-date with the latest developments in the field. Acquainting the students with real life applications will trigger students’ interest in the subject as well as indicate the teacher’s interest and dedication.

n Punctuality: A punctual teacher conveys sincerity and discipline. Punctuality in arrival to class, evaluating assignments and answer scripts on time, and completing syllabus on schedule inspire students to be punctual and sincere in their work. This reduces burden during exams, thus creating a conducive atmosphere for learning.

n Dignity and decorum: A teacher indulging in bad mouthing a colleague, blaming higher-ups, and encouraging unhealthy rivalry will not just paint a bad image but also encourage such behavior in students who are similarly inclined. A young mother recalls how her teenage son picked up a few unparliamentary words after hearing the teacher use it against an auto driver who was overcharging the fare.

n Honesty and un-biasedness: An honest teacher never fudges marks and does not hesitate to admit if he/she makes a mistake or is unable to clarify any doubts. Partiality on the teacher’s part breeds resentment, dislike towards subject and encourages bullying. When teachers are reluctant to train/test a new bunch of students, it often results in the same set of students participating, volunteering and heading various student activities and committees. Thus, a section of students remain onlookers which is not a healthy trend.

n Morality: Moral values never go out of fashion. A morally upright teacher is truly a role model on how to lead life in a society. It covers the entire gamut of activities and behavior which is considered as essential for a good citizen. With the extensive use of internet, a teacher must clearly define and adhere to what students are expected to follow. Internet articles should only be used for further discussions and copy-paste plagiarism should be strictly avoided in class when the teacher prepares materials/slides. Due credit wherever needed should be given so that students learn the same.

* Tech- Savvy: This excludes Facebook friendship shared between students and teachers. Neither using social media to connect with students nor PPT instead of the usual chalk-talk method does not qualify a teacher as tech-savvy. A tech-savvy teacher uses new tools like prezi, moodle etc to enhance learning experience. Using twitter, Google groups, Google drive all help in making learning interesting as well as avoid monotony.

* Friendliness: A friendly and approachable teacher helps in clarifying doubts and in going beyond basics. Students are more likely to condone mistakes of a friendly teacher rather than that of an unfriendly one. Of course, this should be genuine and not feigned. A friendly teacher triggers interest by encouraging discussions on the topic. Of course, this should not extend to a personal level apart from offering an occasional sympathetic ear.

Being a good teacher is not a destination, but a journey of constant endeavors and dedication. It is great for those who have a passion for people, learning and expanding their mental horizon.

(The writer is a professor of statistics in Christ University, Bangalore.)

(Published 21 August 2013, 20:06 IST)